Howdy everyone!


Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
I'm a long time user of the site, though I've registered just today. At the beginning I would like to thank everyone, especially content creators, for making this awesome community where I can learn everything about FM, download addons to make the game even more shiny and just a place where I can read stories of the teams you guys manage.
I never was a huge football (or soccer for you US folks) fan til EURO 2008 when I was almost forced to watch every match. And step by step I fell in love with the game, environment and everything that spins around football. Culmination point was 2011 FIFA women's world cup when holding breath I was able to follow Japanese's team into it's ultimate glory in the tournament.
My story with Football Manager series begun back in 2010. In FM10 I haven't done much. I failed at almost every club I tried to lead, options and possibilites were a bit overwhelming for me back then. But since FM11, I began to try harder, learn the game and its mechanics til I finally started to achieve my first little successes, and I finally felt like FM series is a great platform for me to get close to a thing I really adore - Football. .
And now - I'm starting my journey into the world of Football Manager 2014, and couldn't be more excited to try to achieve something with my favourite team.
Anyhow, I'm sorry for blabbing in this post, making it probably a bit too long but I just wanted to say - Thank you FM community, for making a place like this when we, people who enjoy the game, can get together and share our passion!

Ps. sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm just a silly frenchie!
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