I ask, You answer


whos the best goalkeeper in da world
Gordon Marshall

Who is the funniest on base?
Everyone has their moments :D

What did Douy mean by having corpses in mouths????
party, maybe

It is an IB song

is douy a big poof
Only for you Smithties

Is anyone on the forums gay?
none as of yet

Is anyone except me gregor sean lee paul n kris eligable to actually have ***?
basically everyone is apart from Jonny, Jack & Lloyd

is douy in love with redders
i dnt know.

Whya re you always picking on James?
Because he knows i cant get to him :mad:

Why does the main site redirect to the forum?
Because you touch yourself at night.

Have you seen the American version of The Office?

Was LD's question basically, are you gay or straight
Not sure, it's decent tho...

Did you watch soccer am this morning?