I ask, You answer

Yes, even if i don't like it...

Whats your favourite Norweigan team?
Barca, dur

When do youre Xmas holidays start?
22nd or 23rd December, pft.....

What was the last Album you purchased?
I know ours douy :rolleyes:

Dont really buy albums im cheap I download them, but last one i bought was The Complete Stone Roses.

do you have an audioscrobbler profile
yes, will probably never go on it tho....

Do you have *** with cats?
yes, my name is Ryan Dow

do you feel sorry for man u
No, just embarassed.

When was the last time you bought a new computer or laptop?
Last Month :D

What was the last thing you had to drink ?
A mocha

Best result in European football last night?
Bremen 5 - 1 PAO

Do you watch the [Soccer AM] All-Sports Show?
No, but actual Soccer Am on a Saturday :whistle:

Is Tim Lovejoy a legend?
hes ok, bit of a gimp

Anyone know whos gunna be on the Xmas Soccer AM yet?

Will Portsmouth survive now?
Nop, they be goin' down!

Which do you prefer, darts or snooker?
No Don't like horror films :(

Why has Sean not re-added me on msn despite talking to me alllllllllll the time at college?
maybe because he doesn't know your email addy :|

Why would someone ask a question like that?
Rafael Benitez

Sean does know my addy he deleted me. Because i said i dont love him anymore. :) and i am not lonely i was hoping for a reply by Sean :p

When do Manchester United next play in Europe?