I can't win a single game

Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
I've relegated 3 teams: Espanyol, Fiorentina and another team that i can't remember. Currentely i am in Lens, Ligue 2 in France and I haven't won a game. I'm 20 with 1 point.

My defense is real pathetic. I've tried every single option, and I don't know what else to do. Can someone here please give me some advice of what to do?.

Also, how do you improve attributes like concentration?. When do I see the results of individual trainings?

Thanks in advance
Post a screen of your tactics and player instructions ;)
I've relegated 3 teams: Espanyol, Fiorentina and another team that i can't remember. Currentely i am in Lens, Ligue 2 in France and I haven't won a game. I'm 20 with 1 point.

My defense is real pathetic. I've tried every single option, and I don't know what else to do. Can someone here please give me some advice of what to do?.

Also, how do you improve attributes like concentration?. When do I see the results of individual trainings?

Thanks in advance

stop being so **** at fm
Ok. I will post a screenshot tomorrow.

My defense is really bad. I even downloaded some tactics from here, but my defense is still bad. I score one goal, and then the other team score straight away. Today I was 2-0 and then the other team scored 3 goals in 10 minutes.
This is not me saying your wrong, its just my opinion.

For me your Poacher has way too much creative freedom, I personally like to see a poacher not more than 6 clicks in with little creative freedom. He is also tracking back a little to far so chances are when I does get the ball he is not central. He is just there to score goals so you don't want him being to creative and to far out of position for when you launch a counter attack.

For me your midfield three (cm, cm, dcm) is not diverse enough, I think you should maybe try defence, support, attack with something like anchor, cm support & ap attack. Without the ball you should retain your 4-1-4-1 shape but with the ball your ap attack will look to bridge the gap between your poacher and the midfield.

If your wide midfielders have good engines and determination maybe (if they can) play them more advanced but as Defencive winger supports with a man marking roll, just make sure their attacking mentality is not so much they don't track back.
And as Defencive wingers if set right they play and position themselves similar to Wide mids.
This in conjunction with the advanced playmaker making more runs forward will help you move the ball better by giving each options to pass too. Try to create some passing triangles.

Team instructions I can't argue with, so similar to my strategy it is spooky. But there a few subtle differences.
I play rigid counter so that the default unticked defencive line is deeper meaning I can control this via shouts.
I also untick width and start the match playing with the play narrower shout, this with the deeper defencive line should make you tight and compact and very hard to pass through, usually opponents shoot long and get frustrated. They may try to exploit the flanks so this is why a motivated winger is important, to try and prevent 2 on 1's Vs your fullbacks.
And with that in mind I'd leave closing down on default for both the fullbacks and for team instructions but the wingers set to close virtually the whole pitch, again all helping to maintain a defencive 4-1-4-1 shape.

Oi's, if there is a weakness to this it is most likely on the flanks so I'd set both the opponents fullbacks and wide/attacking wingers to be shown inside unless they themselves are cutting in, if so then show the wingers down the line onto hopefully their weaker foot.
Pick the weakest central defender (passing, composure, 1st touch) set you poacher to man mark and close down often.
Helps two fold, it keeps the poacher central and can make the defender rush his pass and maybe turn the ball over to your team.

Thank you.

Should I put an attacking or normal mentality to my Ap?.

If I put a deep defesive line, wouldn't i have a big space between my defense and my midfield?. I'm planning to use a counter very rigid against stronger teams.

Also, i am concieding a lot of goals from set pieces. Corners and free kicks.
Hopefully I'm not too late to help.

Don't change any of the sliders. I'm being serious, don't touch them at all. Untick all the sliders, then carefully analyze your team to see who your best players are and what sort of skills they have and what roles suit them best. Then pick what you consider to be your strongest 11 and try to find a style and formation which suits your team the best. Make sure your team is balanced. You will also have to take into consideration your team's quality in comparison to other teams in the league.

Start a new save, pick a different side and, most importantly, TAKE YOUR TIME. If you're struggling to achieve success, it is best to maybe to take an hour or two (possibly longer if you're struggling to understand things) to set up your ideal team and tactics (whilst consulting with us if you need it) before you are happy. And then, when you move onto matches, try playing the game on Full to carefully watch what is happening, what your players are doing, how your opponents are playing against you. If you are struggling with performances, and struggling to understand why you are struggling, watching entire games can become INCREDIBLY important. Just be watching the entire game through you will probably immediately see where things are going wrong (and where things are going right). Do not be afraid to rewind certain passages of play to get more detail and do not be afraid to make changes to your tactics in response to what you see.

From the above I notice plenty of issues. Sliders is the first thing, obviously - you can get the exact style of play you want from setting up roles and using shouts. Setting the sliders manually takes those options off the table for you. You also have no movement between the lines. You're setting up your team to play direct to the target man, but you have absolutely nobody getting forward to support him. That means he's VERY isolated and will constantly just give the ball away, putting you under more pressure at the back.

Please don't give up. Just go back to the drawing board, take your time and don't forget to come back and ask if you have any issues.
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I didn't touch the sliders, i saw the whole match, i saw attributes so i could see which position fit better in my players and in my team, keep losing and being humillated despite of mentality and solid defense.
You have touched the sliders. Uncheck them all and leave them on the defaults for the role and playing mentality.

Here's a few obvious problems with your last tactic on the previous page. You're playing a defensive formation, long ball with a lone TM, and Counter Attacking yet you're manually setting players to press really high up the pitch. Can you not see the problems with this? You're trying to set up to be defensively solid with the formation and mentality, yet your manual closing down settings are causing your players to be dragged out of position too far forward, which is undoing your tactical setup to sit back and play on the counter attack. You're playing long ball with a lone target man on attack, yet you have absolutely no one breaking from midfield to work off his knock downs, which will lead you to lose possession very easily and put more pressure on your defence. You're playing long ball whilst pushing high up the field which is very difficult to do and will more often than not lead to you giving the ball away.

Suggestions to solve the problems. If you're going to keep playing the way you are doing, uncheck ALL the sliders for individual instructions and team instructions. Set the TM to support. Set one of the wingers to Attack, as well as one of the CMs (or maybe even move one to Attacking Midfielder Attack). I do not think an Advanced Playmaker will work in your current set up, so change him to the CM Attack so your target man actually has someone to help him out when you are counter attacking.
A final point (for now). On the Team Report tab, check the Comparison page to help you think about how your team should set up. It may turn out that your team is actually one of the weakest in the league and, (no offence) judging by your lack of knowledge of tactics on this game, it may be best to start again and start with a much stronger side to try and work out things. If you're not great at this game (or even a bit of a newbie), you may be handicapping yourself by managing a weak side.
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Sorry, i mean, i unticked the sliders in this new game and i keep losing. I won the first 3 games, then i lost against the last team.

If i score, they score straight away.

And yeah, this is my first football manager in like 10 years. And for some silly reason, i like to use weaker teams.

My players don't do anything to stop them when they have the ball, they let them shout.

Sorry for keep bothering. I'm just tired of losing

Thanks for the tactic. Ill prove it now.
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Could you perhaps post the skill set of the players you're using, and perhaps the Comparison pages under the Report tab?
I am conceding a lot of goals from set pieces
Is it any wonder??
You have an LD Stopper (6' 3") marking the edge of the area for corners.
Your Target Man (6' 1") is closing down corners
two of your three best options for defending aerial threats from corners outside the area?

I'm sorry but I'm out of this thread, I don't think FM is for you.
And the 80 unread messages can only mean your holidaying long periods, advice is then pointless.
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I took the snapshots before reading the messages.

I'm sorry for bothering and thanks for your honesty.

You're free to close/delete this tread.
Thanks for your help. Ill download those resources right now..

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My best stats so far.. I've followed the suggestions you guys gave me and things are going well now.. Only problem now is that i lose against weaker teams and i concede goals once i score the first goal. Hope it makes sense.

This is just my second week playing fm.
Have you had a look at the sort of goals you're conceding against those teams?
No offence, but I wouldn't recommend downloadable tactics for a new player to the series, or for anybody if I'm honest. You learn a lot more creating your own tactics, it's also much more satisfying if and when they work.