If you found a thousand pound...

My Dad once found all the till takings in a Tesco plastic bag and the end of the conveyor belt next to the rest of his shopping. Handed it in at Customer Services and received £100 Tesco gift card and a thank you letter. Says it felt much better than just nabbing it.
My Dad once found all the till takings in a Tesco plastic bag and the end of the conveyor belt next to the rest of his shopping. Handed it in at Customer Services and received £100 Tesco gift card and a thank you letter. Says it felt much better than just nabbing it.

Your wallet doesn't feel better though. :/
Not sure I would be allowed to keep it but I would want to. If I had to hand it in I would hope that it didn't get claimed so I could keep it.
if handed it in at police station, front desk text their mate to come in and say they lost it, bent cop shares his prize.

id give 500 to charity, 200 for a **** up with the lads. 300 quid left. guilt free!
Though, my answer would be dependent on whether it said "belongs to the Russian mafia" or "belongs to a bailed out bank ******** tax payers over."

Maybe donate it to Man U to help them with their debt. They've got a lot of it.
Though, my answer would be dependent on whether it said "belongs to the Russian mafia" or "belongs to a bailed out bank ******** tax payers over."

Maybe donate it to Man U to help them with their debt. They've got a lot of it.

But you're Chaz, surely the Russian Mafia would not come after you... Would they?:'(
100% Guilt free
Pocket it nicely. (A)
bolton season ticket for £900 and with the rest ... give pompy a loan they would need it
i would keep it, but i would probably feel pretty guity - after all, i once kept a wallet i found with £20 in it, and i still felt a bit bad :(

I found a wallet once, took the money and chucked the wallet in a bush, only feeling I had was wewp free booze
theres two ways i look at it...

if i lost a thousand pound, would anyone hand mine in?! would they ****!

although if everyone was more honest in the world, and everyone handed in money, phones etc that they find, would that make the world a better place?! oO)

obviously depends how tight up i am when i find it ;)
when you say would they **** as in hand it in after all mate we are from birmingham lol
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