Im Sorry

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May 15, 2009
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Guys, im really sorry that i havent done anything for this site these past few weeks, but as you all know there was a huge earthquake in Chile that had me traveling back and forth, and then i have school work to concentrate on and my pc broke, i got a new one and im finally back were im suppused to be so ill be sticking around again but first i just have to finish fixing everything else so you will be see me updating everything this weekend, and abit in weekdays but now i have to do more important stuff, so sorry for anybody wondering were i was

See you guys soon :)
Dude no need to apologize, you can't control mother nature ;)

Just glad your safe, and your back :)
Welcome back LG and don't apologise for what happened.

You're safe, and that was all our main concern on this website.
As long as your safe mate thats the main thing.
Thanks everyone :), ohh also i have many new projects you guys will love i just need to finish them of course :)
Welcome back LG, Glad you are ok.
Heeeeeeeeeeeey! Sup mate!?!
Glad you are back, there's no place for apologise, you haven't done anything wrong, see you around on the site. :D
Not to be a dickpole but...d'**** are you?

Been quite a few of these posts of late, people saying sorry for being away 1-2 weeks when ive no idea who they are. If youre gunna be away im sure yoube already told the people who care, and if thats a lot of people ie a whole section of the forum, please post it in that section.
Not to be a dickpole but...d'**** are you?

Been quite a few of these posts of late, people saying sorry for being away 1-2 weeks when ive no idea who they are. If youre gunna be away im sure yoube already told the people who care, and if thats a lot of people ie a whole section of the forum, please post it in that section.
he was in a ******* earthquake idiot, some of us members thought he had died
Not to be a dickpole but...d'**** are you?

Been quite a few of these posts of late, people saying sorry for being away 1-2 weeks when ive no idea who they are. If youre gunna be away im sure yoube already told the people who care, and if thats a lot of people ie a whole section of the forum, please post it in that section.

You don't know who he is? oO) He's been on here for some time i think, and is always making graphics, and is also a very helpful member.

Also are 'D'****', 'Gunna' and 'Yoube' words?
Glad to see you're okay Gustav. Nice to see people caring too...'re a dickpole. A massive one.:$

Glad to know you are alright LG.(A)
Not to be a dickpole but...d'**** are you?

Been quite a few of these posts of late, people saying sorry for being away 1-2 weeks when ive no idea who they are. If youre gunna be away im sure yoube already told the people who care, and if thats a lot of people ie a whole section of the forum, please post it in that section.

Gregor, I know its hard to keep your bad boy rep up, but some people had actually thought he had died.

I know you don't know, or seem to care, who he is, but some people do. Personally I don't, hence why I haven't said anything, but still I think your responce was a bit harsh and out of order. :)
Didn't know you were from Chile, but glad all's good :)
he was in a ******* earthquake idiot, some of us members thought he had died

You don't know who he is? oO) He's been on here for some time i think, and is always making graphics, and is also a very helpful member.

Also are 'D'****', 'Gunna' and 'Yoube' words?'re a dickpole. A massive one.:$

Glad to know you are alright LG.(A)

Gregor, I know its hard to keep your bad boy rep up, but some people had actually thought he had died.

I know you don't know, or seem to care, who he is, but some people do. Personally I don't, hence why I haven't said anything, but still I think your responce was a bit harsh and out of order. :)

Im not trying to 'keep my bad boy rep up' and ive also said dont not post, but ive said post in the relevant section. Like you said hes done a lot for the graphics section of the site, so post it in that area where people are interested, that was my point, I wasn't making a massive deal out of it like several of you drama queens are attempting to do, just we've had several threads like this recently so thought id now mention it.


d'**** = the ****, I use it irl, i use it on the net, sums up feelings pretty well in 'one word'

gunna = emm, do i need to explain?

Yoube = you've, sorry for the one letter typo, im at your feet begging you to forgive me
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i know i dont know u are LG but glad 2 hear ur alrite
Im not trying to 'keep my bad boy rep up' and ive also said dont not post, but ive said post in the relevant section. Like you said hes done a lot for the graphics section of the site, so post it in that area where people are interested, that was my point, I wasn't making a massive deal out of it like several of you drama queens are attempting to do, just we've had several threads like this recently so thought id now mention it.


d'**** = the ****, I use it irl, i use it on the net, sums up feelings pretty well in 'one word'

gunna = emm, do i need to explain?

Yoube = you've, sorry for the one letter typo, im at your feet begging you to forgive me

But I'm pretty sure most of the site well regular members knows who he is, so i think he posted in the right section. :S

And about 'The Word's', If it was a site member, who used them we would probably end up with a infraction, and you're a member of staff? So should you not be setting a example?oO)
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