
Dec 24, 2014
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I think that SI should be giving the In-game Editor for free right, I mean we are purchasing the game so we shouldn't have to pay for the editor. Your opinion guys?
They already provide a pre-game editor for free. Most games don't provide the option to edit active saves. So yeah, I have no problem with it not being included. Plus, a lot of people won't use it, and a lot of others don't want the option as they don't want the temptation.
Nah, you get the pregame and the resource archive with complete access to the background of the game to edit & customise the whole look of nearly every screen and graphic, and stat already.
A free pre-game editor is more than enough I've found. With that you can make the game easier or more challenging. A free in-game only really benefits those who want to cheat because something doesn't go their way. Ok so it will mean you can adapt the game as you go along but if you want to do that the small fee you pay for the in-game editor is fair in my view.
I use the editor only when I get ridiculous injuries or if morale is down low.
I really doubt that SI will provide US with a free in-game in the future :)