
Feb 21, 2011
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Hey guys, I'm currently on my first season with Roma and I'm starting to look for some players. I've been rocking a 4-3-1-2 formation and I'm looking to stick with this. I signed Rivaldo (biggest mistake ever.) at the start of the season and I've recently signed Poli to gradually take the reigns of the play maker as Pizarro gets older but I'm in need of a new right back with good crossing (nobody mention Cassani as the ******* won't seem to sign for me), a back up left back with over all good defending attributes (to give Riise a break now and then) and a decent attacking midfielder(currently have Totti-old and Menez-not yet ready)

Also, if anyone has had any success with Roma before I would love to hear from them. Players sold, taken in etc.

Working with a budget of around £10 million but could always sell Julio Baptista and Taddei to raise a bit of dough.

Cheers! :)
right back of Dinamo dunno what his crossing is like but he can play right back midfield and do a job at left back
I couldn't help you mate , Try and raise funds to sign Hamsik or Pastore, Its Dudu/Dodo he is amazing LB in years to come.
Ondrej Kusnir is great (and cheap) if you need an attacking full back, you might want to give his defensive side a little bump though in training
LB - Alvaro Pereira, Fábio Coentrão, Jose Angel, Roberto Canella, Nagatomo

AMC - Milan Badelj, Paulo Henrique(Ask the board if you can),
Just to keep you all updated...

Was unable to sign any defenders unfortunately so here's to hoping that John Arne Riise, Cicinho and Cassetti stay fit for the remaining half of the season. I did however, manage to ****** up Douglas Costa from Shaktar on the last day of the winter market :D
Totti is now getting a well earned rest!

One more question though, sometimes in the feedback before or after a game it mentions one or two players are having difficulty blending into the squad. Anyone know how to get them over this? Is there a 'throw a party' option or something?

Thanks for all the advice on players! muchly appreciated!
On the team preparation screen there is an option team blend.. Click it and wait till the message in feedback is gone...
Ryan Babel was a good signing for me when i played as Roma!
get marco verrati he has amazing stats and get him tutored by totti will be worldclass and for left back get dodo willl be worldclass and depends on season but first season sign coentro for 8 mil
You might think im a ****** saying this but for the attacking midfielder Toti from Salamanca hes 22 or 23 and i had a career before and he scored 10 goals in my first season i only played up to january in the second season and he had 21 goals to his name i know its second division but the italian leagues not that good
menez is a very good player u should play him every game as he develops a fair bit too, as for left back i would probably say alvaro pereira and for right back seamus coleman as he turns into world class!
LEFT BACK - Peter Masilela
RIGHT BACK - Rafeal (on loan from man utd)
CAM - Alan Patrick