
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Hi folks,

My question is about training players for individual roles and what effect this has. So, say I have a CM that I'd like to be able to play as a BWM...eventually, that ability will be added under his roles and he can play there. BUT, do his stats change to reflect that? A BWM needs to have a high tackling stat - would this improve as he learns the BWM role?

Further to this, if I have a guy who already can play BWM and I set his training to the BWM role, will the stats relative to that skill improve or is this a complete waste of time? I kinda feel like this should be a good way of improving ALL skills relative to a role rather than having to work on each skill individually (although there are different benefits to that of course).
If you set a players individual role to BWM, all his stats relating to that role will improve. His other stats may also improve depending on his game.

However, setting them to their individual role means that their stats will improve at a slower, since all stats are being focussed upon. Instead, if the players has 1 stat as a weakness (for e.g - tackling), just get him to focus on that exclusively for a while, until it improves to an acceptable standard. Then, you can set individual role training, so that overall development occurs.