Again they don't believe there is an issue. This is the key point. And none of their tests ( which a fare more detailed) show an issue. More to the point, the evidence is on their side. So again, if they dont believe there is an issue they are not going to change it.
You are saying there is, but you dont want to show anything about it, but then expect them to change their mind?
You've missed the point entirely because you have jumped to the conclusion bug, but at no point to they believe there is one, so why would they fix it, nor how can it be missed if they dont deem anything is wrong.
I have no idea what their tests are, but they clearly aren't playing the game as it is actually meant to be played, say, through the course of at least two seasons, through dozens of different iterations. Because that is what we are doing. And when actual players play the game for more than a couple of seasons, dozens of them find that players get injured at an incredible rate, as the evidence from this forum shows.
Perhaps their 'detailed tests' consist of running the same match over and over again at the beginning of a season. Which wouldn't highlight the problem that happens when you've played through two entire seasons. It's clearly an overflow bug, of the kind that made the original Pacman go crazy when you went through too many levels.
As for showing it, I've posted my injury list on another thread about this problem. (Sorry, I'm not going to dig out which particular one it was out of the many threads there are about this apparently non-existent problem. Check my post history.) What would be the point of showing it to SI? It's one data point. It shouldn't tell them anything that their patch beta testing didn't find out.
Btw, in my particular case it's not one data point, it's two. First save - played two seasons, players started getting injured like mad, almost became unplayable (though came back just from the brink). Second save - played two seasons, players started getting injured like mad, became genuinely unplayable. If it was just me I wouldn't bother posting about it, I would just give it a third try or find something else to do, but it's clearly not just me as numerous others have reported exactly what I've seen. Play two seasons, some variable somewhere overflows, and injuries go off the scale.
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