Is the defending really that bad or are the instructions wrong?


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
I have been struggling with the defending as a lot of other people but i think i have made some progress and i would like to share my conclusions:

- FB make or break a match, if they are doing their job less dangerous crosses reach the area; i found that unless with the the duty of "defend" they are often to high in the field supporting attack and the opposing wingers are free

Also before or during the match i change their "player instructions" to "Specific mark" the opposing winger; makes a huge difference when the team is defending, otherwise they follow the pack looking at the ball leaving the opposing winger free in their back.

- CD the setting that seems to work best for me is Stopper/Cover combo, by default they are both set to defend and they tend to get in each other's way or let the opposing striker escape during counter breaks.

- Opposition instructions make a big difference, i make sure to single out the talented players (i use automatic instructions to make my job easier) and mark them.

- CM i make sure to have at least one CM or DM dedicated to help defending, otherwise they get to high up in field and can't get back to help in time.

The result of the tactics i describe above is obvious during the match as there are less opposition attacks and even if they may seem dangerous at first they don't lead to goal. The general flow of the game and confidence of the team also improves and they play better as a result.

As a final note it is very important to beware of the sudden AI tactic change that leads usually to an instant goal, but that is probably something for another post. :)