Is there an easy mode in Football Manager

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Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Its my first year playing Football Manager, however I think I maybe playing in easy mode or something because During the first season of managing Spurs I came Second, and the season after I won the premier league and won the champions league. Am I playing in easy mode or not

This is my current team

----------------------- Diarra------------------------ Holding Midfielder



No u just have a class squad. Go manage Hereford and post after 5 seasons where your at and if u think its easy ;)
No. FM is one-moded: Realistic.
There is no easy mode. That seasons realistic, with that team you must be a mental patient to not finish in the top 2 of the league.
If Fm had an easy mode, it wouldn't be as realistic as it's made out to be. Fortunately it doesn't, so the realism is there.
go manage a crappy team and do well without cheating, its hard :)
There is no easy mode. That seasons realistic, with that team you must be a mental patient to not finish in the top 2 of the league.
Alex Im a Liverpool supporter as well, its good to see another fan of Boas

---------- Post added at 03:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ----------

This is my current side, as in my side in the third season. I used the orginal side plus Dzeko in the first season and Farfan came in the second season
Yeah, Fm has an easy mode.

Man City, Chelsea.
how much did ozil cost you and in what season? iv not managed to sign him yet
Play with attribute masking on if you are not and turn off transfer budgets in the first season if you want even more realism and difficulty.
its failry easy anyway if you pick any top 6 or so side from a top league, lower league management is a lot harder.
If you want real manager experiance,when start a new game

-Not-real player's
-Attribute Masking.

That will be fun <3
yeah i guess with a team like tht u should win everything,to be honest when ur playin with teams like man u,chelsea,arsenal,real madrid,barca etc its not hard to win most trophys,the amount of members i see post on here saying ive won this n ive won tht are all playing wid top teams or like ur team with the top playas in the game,do wht others hav suggested and manage a lower league team L1 and below n then come bk and say am i playing in easy mode.
its failry easy anyway if you pick any top 6 or so side from a top league, lower league management is a lot harder.
This. I love my LLM :D

I can't stand managing big clubs - to start with anyway. It is a challenge to bring a club all the way up. Especially if you put restrictions on your signings ect. Mine is my domestic bias must be 75% or higher.

There are also other challanges in the game. Like Athletic Bilbao with their restriction to signing Basque players. Or clubs with a lot of debt. A new challenge in FM11 is to bring the rep of a whole league up with the new dynamic league reputation. I was thinking of starting a game in Hungary and trying to get them back to a football powerhouse.
you should probably be winning the league with that team anyway.
This. I love my LLM :D

I can't stand managing big clubs - to start with anyway. It is a challenge to bring a club all the way up. Especially if you put restrictions on your signings ect. Mine is my domestic bias must be 75% or higher.

There are also other challanges in the game. Like Athletic Bilbao with their restriction to signing Basque players. Or clubs with a lot of debt. A new challenge in FM11 is to bring the rep of a whole league up with the new dynamic league reputation. I was thinking of starting a game in Hungary and trying to get them back to a football powerhouse.

Lower league managing is fun, I've managed to get Havant & W in the Premiership and i just finished 3rd!
ermmm, how do you have Ozil? :

i smell FMRTE
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