It's NOT just a game...

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Feb 15, 2009
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It's NOT just a game...
a Streaky25 story.


This is my first story playing FM'13 and I hope you will enjoy and take an interest in it and find the time to leave positive and negative comments(hopefully not too many negative ones though!!).

The leagues I've loaded are England(Blue Square Bet North/South upwards), Spain(Second Division B upwards), Germany(Third Division upwards) and Italy(Serie C2 upwards).
The story will start with an insight into my life and what I've done and achieved in the past and lead up to the present day, giving you a detailed background about myself and this will then allow the game to continue my career path.

My reputation will be set as Semi-Professional as that is the level I have played at and currently coach in real life and I'll be starting the game unemployed.



From when I was able to walk and talk, all that interested me was football. As soon as I got home from school I'd be out in the back garden with my brother taking shots in to the homemade goals we used to build, until we could afford the samba goals you see nowadays.
Every Saturday morning from when I was 6 years old, I would attend a football training morning, which was ran by two qualified FA coaches. The sessions were about a twenty minute drive from our family home in Plympton and held at the Prince Rock playing fields, ten minutes from the hospital in Plymouth where I was born.
There usually was about 20 to 25 players with ages ranging from 6 to 12 years, that turned up every Saturday and we were put through various skill and technique practises before taking part in a 3v3 tournament towards the end of the hour and a half long sessions.
At the end of every month there was a skills challenge where we would be tested on the different skills that we had learned over the past few weeks. We were awarded a variety of points depending on how successful we did through the challenges and the winner was awarded a trial at Plymouth Argyle.

Like every young boy it was my dream to become a professional footballer, so knowing there was the chance to get a trial at a pro club, I was more determined to grab the opportunity.
Six years had passed and I still hadn't done enough to win the trial at Argyle, and as I was 12 years old, I knew I had one last chance left, so every Saturday I listened and trained even harder than I had done the previous week, in the build up to my final skills challenge.
" Ok lads, come in and sit down " shouted Ray, one of the coaches. I sat down with butterflies going around my stomach, and waited to hear the results of the skills challenge.
After the usual well done speeches from both coaches, Chris and Roy, it was time for the announcement. " the winner of the skills challenge and the trial at Plymouth Argyle is.......Andy S. Well done Andy. " I couldn't believe it I had won, I went up to collect my certificate and stood proud with a big grin as I posed for my photo to go in the local paper.

It was the beginning of the new season and the start of my 3 day trial at the Plymouth Argyle academy. As my Nan lived close to Home Park, I didn't need to stay in digs with other trialists that had been invited from all over the South.
The 3 days flew by and at the end of the final day I got called into the Academy managers office. " Right Andy, I've been impressed with what I've seen, so I'm keen on offering you a YTS contract. " he explained to me, as I sat upright in the comfy leather seat opposite.
The YTS(Youth Training Scheme) contract that I signed meant that I would train and have school lessons all done through the club, allowing me to continue my education, just incase an injury halted my extremely short career.
Over the next couple of years I continued my development on the pitch regularly starting upfront and playing in some big stadiums like Villa Park, during a FA Youth Cup game.
Just before my sixteenth birthday, I was called into Kevin Summerfield's office, the youth team manager, who wanted a chat. " Andy, I've been asked to let you know that you will be involved in the Devon Bowl game versus Exeter on Thursday night, well done and see you then. "
The Devon Bowl was played most years as part of a pre-season tournament and included Plymouth, Torquay United, Exeter City and Tiverton Town, who were a feeder club for Plymouth.
The Plymouth squad that night included a handful of first team players, a few fringe players and a couple of trialists, with myself on the bench. The game was nearing the 85th minute when I got the call to go out and stretch off, so after some short sprints and stretches, I entered the field of play a couple minutes later, with us two one in the lead.
Finally I received the ball on the half way line with only the Exeter centre back to beat, I moved forward at pace, stepped over the ball with my left foot and was about to take it past the defender with my right, when all of a sudden CRASH, I was in a heap on the floor writhing around in agony, luckily it was the last attack and the final whistle went seconds later.
I managed to hobble back to the dressing room, after receiving a sympathetic hand shake from the Exeter defender who tackled me in the closing stages, as I looked up to shake the big hand that was put in front of me, it was Noel Blake(current England under 19 manager), " hope your not too badly injured son, well played. " he said, as I gingerly entered the home team dressing room.

Unfortunately my worst fear was realised, as I had damaged ligaments in both my ankles, with my left ankle suffering the most damage. I was out of football for nearly ten months and following a lot of change at Plymouth Argyle off the pitch, with a new manager coming in, I had to face the prospect of probably not getting another chance of becoming a professional footballer.
During my recovery away from football, my dad got offered a job away from Plymouth, which meant over the next few months my family and I spent endless hours travelling up and down from Plymouth to Hampshire house hunting, while my dad finalised his new job.

A year had gone by since I suffered my injury and despite some whispers that I would be invited back to Plymouth Argyle to prove my fitness, nothing ever materialised and after numerous chats with my parents, I succumbed to the fact that I wouldn't play at the highest level.
I decided that I didn't want to go off to university, so after a year at college, I got some part time work at a local private health club, where I became a qualified personnal trainer and gym instructor, and in the hours I wasn't at the gym, I had another job at a local Tesco supermarket.

My footballing career got back on track when I spent two seasons with Bashley, a local side from the New Forest, who were playing in the Wessex League and were managed by ex Saints and Liverpool star Jimmy Case. I was played just behind the striker and linked up with midfielder Wade Elliott, currently at Birmingham City, as we formed a good partnership on and off the pitch, before going our seperate ways, with Wade being signed by AFC Bournemouth and I left and joined AFC Totton.
My spell at AFC Totton proved to be unsuccessful as I was continually played out of position, left wing back, which meant I wasn't enjoying my football at the time, but I knew it meant game time, so I didn't once complain, instead I just knuckled down, got on with it and helped the team.

Although I was enjoying my work at the gym, where I'd now become full time, I just didn't have enough football in my life. Working with people everyday, I made numerous friends and one currently was managing a local Under 14 team and as I was currently taking my Level 1 coaching badge, I asked if I could gain some coaching experience at his team, which he agreed too.
After a few training sessions, I got approached by a gentleman who was impressed with my coaching style and he went on to explain to me that he ran his own coaching company and would be delighted to have me on board. So without hesitation I accepted and went about finalising my exit from the gym.

During the first 6 years in my new job as Sports Coach was spent delivering various lessons including curriculum P.E, after school clubs and holiday camps. On a Wednesday evening we would work alongside AFC Bournemouth as part of the academy section of the club. As Bournemouth were facing some financial difficulties, they couldn't afford to have development or academy centres, so we built a relationship with Eddie Howe, and we would coach promising youngsters and send them down to Bournemouth for trials if they met the criteria they were looking for.
It was these sessions that made me want more of coaching elite players, so I enrolled onto the FA Level 2 coaching course to continue my development and after passing the qualification, I was then approached by the local team that I was helping coach and was asked to set up an adult side and see how far I could take them, which was an opportunity I couldn't turn down.
With my managerial career about to start, I had to end my playing career, which wasn't that much of a difficult choice, as despite playing for a Winchester City team that had won the FA Vase a couple of seasons ago, I was being messed around by the various managers that were regularly hired and fired, so I decided to give coaching a go and see how I enjoyed running my own team.
Over the last 3 years and having just turned twenty nine, I led the team I was managing to 3 promotions, including 2 league titles and runners up in the cup. Although it sounds like everything was going very well, unfortunately midway through my third season as manager, I was told by the chairman of the club that the money from various sponsorship deals to help fund the club, was going to be put into other areas and the senior team would have to be self funded, which at the level I took them up to would be impossible. Upon hearing this news I had a difficult decision to make.
During one of our league games the following weekend, I was the subject of some racial comments from a couple of the opposing team, and also constant cheating from the linesman, that it upset me a lot and helped me make my mind up, so I packed in my managers role and took some time out from the game.

With everything that had gone on over the past few months I decided to take a step back from managing a football club and instead decided to just focus more on coaching players and help their development.
Through the coaching company I worked for I was made Football Development coach which meant I was responsible for setting up football sessions after school, putting on coaching sessions for other coaches and also look to build up relationships with local grassroot teams where I could go in and help improve the development of managers/coaches and also the players.

One local club bought into the ideas I had to help improve the development of grassroot players and allowed me to set up a Saturday Soccer School for players aged 4 years to 7 years old. The chairman also put some money aside for additional team training, where I would coach different age groups on a fortnightly basis. Getting the chance to take some coaching sessions at the 15 clubs that the club had under its name, proved very difficult, but one manager was keen on me doing a block of 6 sessions.

At the start of the 2011/12 season I took the Romsey Town Under 11s pre-season training and from that first training session I realised that this was the career path I wanted to work along, so I had to make sure that the manager and coach could see what I wanted to implement and that the players were developing. I obviously made an impression as the 6 weeks turned into coaching the team every other week for the whole season.
As word got around the club of the good work I was doing, a few more teams were keen on getting me involved, so I ended up coaching 5 teams in total on the same agreement I had with the Under 11s.
With the possibility of becoming a regular coach within the club I decided to book myself on to the new FA Youth Module awards, which is a qualification that most of Europe have been encouraging young coaches to take, which looking back on it is probably the reason, as to why England as a nation is quite some distance behind the Spanish and Germans to name but a few.

The coaching methods and philosophy that I had slowly started to introduce at Romsey Town YFC, weren't going un-noticed, and it wasn't long after the season had finished that I received a call from the academy manager at Eastleigh Football Club, a team playing in the Blue Square South and who had just been invested in by a couple of wealthy buisnessmen.

Academy Manager: " Hi Andy, I've been tracking your progress at Romsey Town Youth and I've been very impressed with what you have done over there.
I'm keen on building up a team of highly talented coaches and would like you to be part of it? "

Me: " Thank you, it's good to know what I'm trying to do is being recognised.
I have a meeting with Romsey Town Youth early next week, so I will think about your proposal and get back to you.

Academy Manager: " Okay Andy, look forward to hearing from you. "


The rest of the week allowed me to weigh up what Eastleigh Football Club were offering me and to prepare some important questions ahead of my meeting with Romsey Town YFC and their chairman Phil.

Phil(chairman): " Hey Andy, thanks for coming and discussing how I'd like to take the club forward.
Firstly I've been very impressed with the level of coaching you have provided and new challenges you are giving the players.
How have you found it?

Me: " Well, as you know I'm very keen to stamp my own coaching philosophy and ethos into a club, where I can build and develop the players and managers/coaches throughout the whole club.
And I've been very pleased with how everyone has responded to the ideas I have implemented in the various training sessions I've taken.

Phil: " Well, that's pleasing to hear as I would like to bring you to the club on a full time basis, as our Football Development Manager, which will allow you to oversee all the training of every team and help improve and develop our club.
This will be backed by various sponsors who are keen to get Romsey Town back to where we once were.

Me: " Wow, thank you Phil.
As you know Eastleigh FC have made me an approach to get involved with them, but on a smaller scale as to what you are offering.
But I like the idea of being involved in this project and am excited by the responsibility you have offered as well as the backing from the sponsors, which will be vital to the journey I'm keen on taking the club.

Phil: " Andy, you have my full backing along with the committee and we look forward to working more closely with you.
I will organise the paperwork with your employers and will get a copy across to you soon.
Speak soon, cheers.

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With everything finalised with Romsey Town Youth, I called the Eastleigh Academy manager to decline his offer, and got to work planning the changes I wanted to make to take club forward.
Over the next month I attended training sessions and games to see what the size of task I had taken on would be. There seemed to be a large amount of talent throughout the age groups and with a good amount of volunteer parents acting as managers and coaches there seemed to be a good structure within the club.

After the research mission had been completed I had a very good idea and plan of what areas needed improving, so I set up a meeting with Chairman Phil to discuss the best ways to tackle the hurdles that faced us.

Phil(Chairman): " So Andy, what are your findings and thoughts of what you've seen so far? "

Me: " Well there is a large amount of ability in each team and it's nice we have managers and coaches helping in the teams.
I feel that with my input in training sessions, we can get the players thinking more outside the box and take them
out of their comfort zones more, in the hope it will increase their development.

Phil: " Okay Andy, what I've done is managed to get some sponsorship in that will allow you to deliver
up to twelve training sessions per team.

Me: " That's great, I will set out a timetable for all the teams and inform the managers of when I will be working
with their teams.
Next I would like to bring in a code of conduct, so the players will have a small list of rules they need to follow,
this way we will bring some extra discipline in to the club.
The list will include arriving for training and matches by a certain time, allowing the managers to have everyone present
when they discuss their starting line up, responsibilities or there session.

Phil: " Agreed, we need to ensure that everyone is buying into what we want to achieve
and what direction we are keen on taking the club
and by having responsibilities on and off the pitch will be very beneficial throughout.

Me: " Great, thanks Phil. Will be in touch soon. "

During the next couple of months, the ideas I had set out were starting to be implemented and the results on the pitch were starting to improve, with all 15 teams that I was working with doing better in their respective leagues and cups compared to last season.
With the people involved with Romsey Town Youth starting to buy more into the new fresh ideas I was bringing to the club, the Committee, Chairman and Secretary were all keen that we kept hold of our more talented players, rather then end up losing them to local rivals like Eastleigh, AFC Totton and Winchester City, so I was tasked with putting together plans to set up 3 academys, where the better players would attend and train with players of the same level, with the ultimate aim of developing the players quicker, which will benefit their teams at the weekends and hopefully make a few more of the fringe players take note and help raise their individual performances.
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With the academies set up for the Under 8s/9s/10s in one group, the 11s/12s/13s in the next and the Under 14s/15s in the other group, everything was in place to help increase the players current abilities and also to keep our better players from the clutches of our local rivals that already had well established academies and links to one or two professional clubs.
So with the younger age groups development in place, to finalise the pathway from Under 8s to adult football, I turned my attentions to working with the Under 16s and 18s. With three teams at these age ranges, I wanted to offer them the chance to develop and continue their football careers with Romsey Town.
Over the last couple of seasons the relationship between the first team and reserves with the youth side of the club was non-existant, so with the help from Phil, chairman of Romsey Town Youth, we managed to set up a meeting with Romsey Town's manager Danny, and his assistant Carl to discuss trying to bring both sides of the club closer.

Phil(Chairman): " Thanks for meeting us Danny and Carl. I'm Phil, Chairman of Romsey Town Youth and
this is Andy, who is our Football development manager. We both are keen to build a relationship with yourselves
and the club, where our Under 16s/18s can come and train and if any impress look to get them involved
in the reserves or first team.

Danny: " Yes, that is definately something we are keen on building and getting the players involved.
As you know our financial situation isn't in a good place and we will need all the help we can get.

Carl: " I agree, without the quality coaching, which you are providing, at the grassroot level, then we would struggle.
Especially with our current league standing and that we can't compete with other clubs in the league, to keep
hold of our better players.

Me: " That's great to hear, I really want to make sure we keep our quality players and
by being able to offer the Academy that has just been set up, and now offering the chance to train and possibly be involved
on match days with the first team and reserves, will help us take the club to the next level and rather than lose
our players to our nearest rivals, we can start to compete with them.

Carl: " Good to know we are all wanting the same. Let's be in contact over the ext couple of
days and arrange a date to get the 16s and 18s down here for a training session.

Phil: " Excellent, I'm looking forward to forging the relationship over the season. Cheers guys. "

I left the meeting feeling very pleased, we now finally had in place a pathway that all our players can work too and hopefully can attract more players to the club and help give the current players lots of opportunities to progress.

A couple more months past and still performances and results on the pitch were still improving and the club was now starting to get noticed further a field and we were fielding calls from teams to play friendlies against our youth teams.
One team took a big interest in what we were doing and their chairman was very keen to have a chat after both our Under 18s had played against each other, in a friendly that was arranged due to the current lack of games being played due to the recent bad weather.


Match: Friendly
Venue: University of Bath

Bath City U18s 2 - 2 Romsey Town Youth U18s

A fantastic opportunity for our Under 18s and we didn't look out of place against a side who's first team play in the Blue Square South.
We started off very brightly and took the lead with a well taken goal after 10 minutes, but we were soon pegged back when the hosts equalised a couple minutes later and then took the lead just before half time.
We responded brilliantly in the second half and thoroughly deserved our equaliser and despite a couple of chances at both ends, a draw was a fair result and gave our Under 18s a needed run out.


After the game the Bath City Chairlady, Manda Rigby, was very keen to sit down with Phil, our chairman. I was just finishing off chatting to our Under 18s manager, when Phil called me over to be present for the meeting.

Manda Rigby(Chairlady of Bath City): " Evening Phil, Andy. Thank you for bringing your Under 18s over to play our Youth team.
Right I won't keep you long. I've been hearing about what you are doing at Romsey Town Youth
and am very impressed with what you have achieved and put in place in a short
space of time.

Phil: " Thank you, all the credit must go to the person sat to the right of me. Andy, has come in and
completely over hauled the club from top to bottom and now we are seeing the benefits on the pitch. "

Manda Rigby: " Well I guess, well done Andy. Right the reason I have asked you in for a chat is,
that I'm keen on taking Bath City forward and currently with the lack of money in football, especially at this level, I'm looking at ways to help our first team improve and also look at introducing more youngsters into the team.
I'm hoping that maybe ourselves and Romsey Town could form a partnership, where we can loan players and also have
first refusal on any players?

Phil: " I'm sure we can arrange that. I'll get a contract drawn up and get it over to you this week. "

On the way back to Hampshire, I couldn't believe what we've achieved already, after only six months of being in my role at Romsey Town Youth, I had set up academies for our younger players, improved the relationship between Romsey Town first team and our youth players and now we had a club link with Bath City Football Club.
We were just entering halfway through the grassroots season and Romsey Town Youth were reaping the benefits of the new structures I had been implementing. We had one of our Under 9s invited to AFC Bournemouth for a trial and five Under 18 players being included quite regularly in the Reserve squad on a Saturday. Along with all the positive news involving individual players, the teams were doing impressive as well, with nine teams currently either first or second in their respective divisions and then five other teams involved in semi finals of various cup competitions.

After the weekends Soocer School session and the Sunday games, I received a phone call from Phil, Chairman of Romsey Town Youth.


Phil: " Hey mate, Hope you are well. I've received a call, one that I was expecting, but not so soon.
Manda Rigby, Bath City's Chairlady, has just informed me that following an indifferent start to the Blue
Square South season, she is considering the future of Manager Lee Howells. And she wants to know if you would be keen on managing the first team? "

Me: " Erm WOW, well I didn't expect that and definately not now. The best I had been hoping for, as you know,
would be to be involved with the Romsey Town first team.

Phil: " Yeah I know, it's taken me back a little too, but I know how lucky we are to have you on
board and what we have achieved is all down to you in such a short time. I knew we would have to field interest in you
and this is a fantastic opportunity for your career to take off. Why don't you meet up with Manda Rigby and
chat the offer through with her and see what she is looking for.

Me: " Ok Phil, great idea. I will be in touch. "


That evening I drove the 70+ miles to meet up with Manda Rigby to discuss her thoughts on the future of her football club and see if there was a viable option for me to start my managerial career.

Manda Rigby: " Evening Andy, thank you for coming down at short notice. I don't know if you have seen the league,
but the first team are currently under achieving and I feel a change is needed.
After chatting with Phil the other evening after our Under 18s game and on the phone earlier, I think we need a
fresh new approach to move the club forward and I feel you have what we are missing. We have a game on Saturday 13th October against Hayes & Yeading, who are currently 3rd. And I'm hoping you could
be my guest for the game providing we can come to a deal.

Me: " Thank you Mrs Rigby for considering me. Although the majority of my experience had been at
grassroots level, I feel I have what it takes to manage at senior level.

Manda Rigby: " Okay Andy, can I take that as a Yes? "

Me: " Yes I'm keen on changing the fortunes of Bath City for the current campaign. "

Manda Rigby: " That's great. As you know we are a Semi Professional club, so if it's possible, I'm happy
for you to continue with Romsey Town Youth where you can, as long as it
doesn't interfere with your work here.

Me: " Thanks, I will speak to Phil at Romsey Town Youth and come up with the
best solution. See you Saturday.


The following morning I met with Phil, chairman of Romsey Town Youth and after a very difficult two hour chat deciding on what would be best for both parties involved, we felt it was best for the time being that I ended my ties with Romsey Town Youth, so I could focus and give my all on improving Bath City, but knowing that Romsey Town Youth had been left in a much better position than when I arrived.

I took my place alongside Chairlady Manda Rigby in the directors box at Twerton Park and armed with my little note book, I sat back and watched my new team take on promotion hopefuls Hayes & Yeading.

Blue Square South
Twerton Park. Att: 405

Bath 1 - 0 Hayes & Yeading

MOTM: Jordan Walker(Bath)

What a fantastic result. Although I hadn't been involved at all for this game, the players that were involved showed me that they had some ability and with some hard work on the training pitch and a few more quality additions, we could turn the season around.


After the Final whistle, I went into Manda Rigby's office and put pen to paper on a one year, part time, £700 a week deal to become the new manager of Bath City.
Once the formalities had been completed, I was then thrust in front of the small group of gathering press to begin my press conference for the local media.

Press: " You sit here as manager of Bath City. Is this your dream job? "

Me: " I'm not going to mislead anyone, they are not my favourite club, but I'm delighted to be
given the opportunity to manage here.

Press: " Last season was one to forget for the Bath fans. What are your chances of an immediate return to the Blue
Square Premier?

Me: " There's plenty of work ahead before we can be sure of that. "

Press: " What style of football can the fans look forward too under your management? "

Me: " I'm looking at a balanced approach. There's little use having a brilliant forward line, if we can't defend a lead. "

Press: " Thank you Andy and I wish you the best during your time at Bath City. "

With the press conference over, I now turned my attention to the current squad and to get to work with them on the training pitch, in preparation for our next game against Eastleigh in the FA Cup fourth qualifying round.
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In the build up to my first competitive game, I had a couple of days to assess the squad and look at areas that needed strengthening and started to get to work on the style of play and tactics I wanted us to use.

After working on the tactics and philosophy aspects of our style of play, it was then down to the tough task of selecting my best eleven players and what positions I needed to enter the transfer market for.

Goalkeepers - Lewis Kidd is the best of the 3 keepers that I have at my disposal, but he is currently on loan from Luton until January, so I will be on the look out for some competition.

Defenders - I have some very good defenders on the books and I have enough cover to make sure that it's a department that doesn't need strengthening currently. One player I have very high hopes for and that's left back Dan Ball, who I hope can play an integral part to any success we will hopefully have.

Midfielders - This is the area that I will definately be looking at improving, especially the central midfield roles, as I rely heavily on my 3 centre midfielders to win us the ball, and then to keep possession and support the forwards when they can. I do have good experience though with the likes of Joe Burnell and Marc Canham who will provide vital experience to the younger players.

Forwards - Another area that I will need to look to add some quality too, is in the striker department, as I only really have Charlie Griffin who looks the only decent forward good enough to cause a threat to opposition defences. Also I will need other options in the inside forward positions as I only have Callum Gittings, on loan from Kidderminster out on the left and Josh Low out on the right.


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FA Cup 4th Round Qualifying
Silverlake Stadium. Att: 446

Eastleigh 1 - 3 Bath
Preece, Griffin, Burnell

MOTM: Mark Preece(Bath)

My first competitive game in charge and I couldn't of asked for a better start. Despite Eastleigh's high league position, we stamped our authority throughout the game and showed we are no pushovers. Centre back Mark Preece gave us the lead with a fine header, then Charlie Griffin doubled the lead with a well placed shot and victory was sealed either side of a consolation goal from the hosts, with a fine solo effort from Joe Burnell.


Blue Square South
Longmead Stadium. Att: 403

Tonbridge 0 - 4 Bath
Gittings, Griffin, Low(2)

MOTM: Mark Preece(Bath)

Yet another fine away performance. Two goals in a minute from Callum Gittings and Charlie Griffin ensured we went in at the break with a comfortable lead. The second half was all one way traffic and Josh Low scored a superb individual effort, when he ran from inside our own half and rifled an unstoppable left footed effort into the corner and it was Low who grabbed his second and put the game to bed with a simple tap in with minutes remaining.


Blue Square South
Twerton Park. Att: 383

Bath 2 - 0 AFC Hornchurch
Griffin, Low

MOTM: Gethin Jones(Bath)

We kept our fine run going with my first win in front our our home support. Charlie Griffin gave us a first half lead and Josh Low completed the scoring with his 3rd goal in two games.


Blue Square South
Silverlake Stadium. Att: 439

Eastleigh 2 - 0 Bath

MOTM: Craig McAllister(Eastleigh)

Our first defeat and a disappointing performance to go with it. Lamar Powell came in for the injured Charlie Griffin and despite lots of possession in the final third, we really missed Charlie's experience in and around the opposition penalty area.



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Manager of the Month - Richard Hill(Eastleigh)

Player of the Month - Adam Watts(Eastbourne Boro

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A very busy month ahead with 7 matches, including a mixture of League, FA Cup and FA Trophy games.


FA Cup 1st Round
Twerton Park. Att: 393

Bath 1 - 0 Weston Super Mare

MOTM: Gethin Jones(Bath)

We left it late despite having the majority of play and efforts on goal. It was back up striker Lamar Powell,
who fired us into the second round with a fine finish in the 88th minute.


Blue Square South
Twerton Park. Att: 405

Bath 1 - 1 Farnborough

MOTM: Dean Inman(Farnborough)

Disappointing that we couldn't hold onto our lead given to us by Lamar Powell, which would have seen us move
further up the table, instead we had to settle for a point as the team started to tire towards the end of the game.


FA Trophy 3rd Qual. Round
Twerton Park. Att: 485

Bath 1 - 1 Redditch

MOTM: Dale Bertram(Redditch)

With the lack of depth in the squad, I decided I would have to rotate a few personnel,
giving some fringe players and transfer listed players a chance, in a game I thought we would win, but how wrong was I. It was another late equaliser that cancelled out our opener scored by David Brown, which meant a replay, something I didn't want.

FA Trophy 3rd Qual. Round Replay
Valley Stadium. Att: 212

Redditch 1 - 2 Bath

MOTM: Adam Connolly(Bath)

I kept faith with the same team that started the previous game at the weekend and we finally edged out
our hosts thanks to an Adam Connolly brace, with the winner coming deep into injury time.


Blue Square South
Gander Green Lane. Att: 539

Sutton Utd 1 - 1 Bath

MOTM: Mark Preece(Bath)

Back to league action today and another draw. We went a goal down midway through the first half,
conceeding on the break, but we hit back in the 35th minute through Joe Burnell, who latched onto a through pass and slotted home passed the keeper.


FA Trophy 1st Round
Twerton Park. Att: 371

Bath 2 - 4 Barrow
Brown, Preece

MOTM: Louis Almond(Barrow)

Today's game was a chance to see how we would fair against a team in the division above and although the
score line doesn't reflect it, the game was a much closer affair with both sides having equal possession and shots on target, it was the better finishing by the visitors that saw them into round two.




BBC Sport understands that rookie manager Andy Samuels is feeling the pressure at Bath City,
only 11 games into his reign. Reports suggest that following the recent run of poor form, Samuels could
be tempted to throw the towel in and return to a coaching capacity back in his home town of Hampshire.


Blue Square South
Twerton Park. Att: 384

Bath 0 - 1 Eastbourne Boro

MOTM: Adam Watts(Eastbourne Boro)

I was fuming after this game, as I feel we need to beat the likes of Eastbourne if we are going
to get anywhere near out predicted finish of 7th. We dominated from the off, but couldn't break down a
stubborn away defence.



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Manager of the Month - Richard Hill(Eastleigh)

Player of the Month - Jamie White(Salisbury)

Hi All,

Although I didn't have many followers, I have decided to let you know that I'm stopping this story as I have lost the save from my laptop.
But I'm just about to embark on another save and story and hope that I will get more followers.

Thanks. :)