
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
Name: James Rodriguez

Club: Porto
D.O.B: 12/07/1991
Nationality: Colombian
Position: Attacking Midfield Left

many :)

besides tackling, none really ;)

I know that James is well known around here, firstly there is not a thread and secondly, he is just pure class, feel free to show off your James Rodriguez :)

Suggested Roles:

Inside Forward - Support
Winger - Support
Advanced Playmaker - Support


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Bought him on a Villa save once after Real Madrid bought Young for R25m. He did pretty well, nothing extravagant though. But definitely well worth the buy.
Currently managing Porto.Play him in the starting eleven all the time.After 2 seasons he is a totalt beast.Fantastic player.
Retrain as AMR and I think he'll be killer. Always one of the first things in FM10 buy JR and Verratti.
Currently managing Porto.Play him in the starting eleven all the time.After 2 seasons he is a totalt beast.Fantastic player.

He's also a starter in my Porto save. He's tremendous! And don't forget that Porto has another very good AML: Cristian Rodriguez.
hadn't noticed him before but he is now 21 and looking ok should i still get him? will he still become awsome?
He was awesome in my Swansea save. Definately a great buy!
i thought he was better on fm10 to be honest, but hes still looking good there :)
Amazing player but his agent's a right ***, asked for £110,000 per week at start of the game.
He was a legend in FM10, looks like he is still fantastic. Great technique, intelligent dribbler, fantastic passer, decent delivery , excellent balance plus agility and not to forget , he's very quick! He's very well rounded, he's even pretty good at tackling and has quite high strength for a flair player. He's a bit like eden hazard and pastore mixed together but a better finisher than hazard and cheaper than pastore (after 1 season u could probs tempt him as he has just joined porto at the start of the game)
Nice screenshots Raikan! :D
BTW, why are u doing a chelsea game. GRRRR traitor! LOL ;D
no no :) not playing as Chelsea mate :) that was just a screenshot of him in one of my saves in the future at Chelsea... I have never and will never manage Liverpool, Arsenal, City or Chelsea :) trust me
Just remembered about him :p Think ill get him shortlisted xD
On FM10 I signed him for Southampton when the was in League 1, (£2.5mill) and kept hold of him all the way to 2018. Become so good, he was my Captain aged 23. Only problem was his Physical stats, his stamina was very poor, and took a while to develop.
Think I eventually sold him for £23million to R.Madrid. So made a nice little profit on him.

Haven't signed him as yet on FM11. Will try and sign him when I gain promotion.
Thanks for reminding me on this guy though, somehow slipped through the fingers and forgot about him!
hes absolutely amazing! i love him! i signed him on my liverpool career with 11.3 patch and him and hazard on both wings have torn it up! my strikers are always getting injured and i play a 424 with attacking wingers so when there injured i play hazard and rodrigues just behind a lone striker and there amazing! i dont know who is better out of him and hazard though :s. i would tell anyone to buy him! seriously!
I think he's been given an PA rise in patch .3 (unless it's -9).
He's a bench player in my save, since he's only 18 and I have Hulk in his natural position (who is AMAZING as an inside forward.)

Might retrain him as a AMR, opinions anyone?
also a good idea mate, get him cutting in on his left foot :) I have retrained him to a striker before :) never played further but he has some great stats for that role ;)
Attack Midfielder - Attack.
Played 25 Scored 14 Assists 9

I started a thread on him last year, porto offered me him for 2 mil on 2011, so i couldn't resist, also hasnt developed on mine yet so those stats are pretty good for first year in the premiership.