
Jan 2, 2010
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Im in my second season on a spurs career. last season he was out on loan with pompey but he seemed to have a pretty pathetic season tbh. Now he's having stormer after stormer for my reserves so i was wondering whether or not he's come good with anyone or whether i should sell him off cheap now ?
When i played as pompey he was awsome. I would give him another season in the reserves and if his form continues then start to play him in the first team.
When i had him in my pompey team in first season he was awful, didn't contribute to anything.
now in season 3 and he is in tottenhams reserves just decreasing in value and not really doing much. I would personally cash in on him or loan him out for a season and see what happens
keep him if he plays well even in resreves other teams will want him abit later on. then u will get a good price for him..
Liverpool have just offered me 7 million for him.
Should i accept it?
Accept it.

Average player on FM, unfortunately.