
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I foudn this guy on my England save thought he was a regen came from llanelli and signed for athletico , now ive started a new game and hes their again, wonder if any ones had him before.

I will upload screenies of him from my germany save in 2009 and him on my england save in 2016
He is American on 1 save and English on the other :S
He is American on 1 save and English on the other :S

Probably has both nationalities but changed to English once called up.

Also he's not on my game :S Is he even real?
yh he startsn of as american on both but wanted to play for england
36 caps 30 goals **** thats good..........stats aint too good but record speaks for itself
with his mental and physical stats he must make millions of chances. if only he had the technique as well......
Yh he sure does, was worried about calling hom because of the technical, but never looked as you can see by how many goals hes scored