
Feb 24, 2012
Reaction score
I know players vary from each save is a way to tell if you have a good save at the very start if a player has more clubs after them? For example I loaded 2 saves on the first one 4 clubs were after human tariq on the second save 7 clubs were. Does that mean he is better in the second one or does it have nothing to do with that? Is there a way to tell ?
Id also like to add his value on the first save was 200k more but his stats were better on the second save ??
If a player's development is due to experience, the effects that his manager and coaching staff have had on him and on exposure to a higher/lower level of football, it would stand to reason that within your two alternate universes (or two saved games) his rate of development and his appeal to other clubs would differ.

Perhaps, for example, his stats differ because he has two different managers or different coaches in those two saves, who have their own tactical ideas and have emphasised different areas of training. Alternatively, perhaps the game is coded with an element of chance as to how much and how quickly players in other teams improve.

Either way, I would just evaluate him separately, within the context of each saved game, and try to decide whether he would be an improvement to your existing squad.
Oh I'm with you, very detailed and makes sense thanks. But do players differ from the beginning of each save THAT much or isit only minimally? And is there any black and white to know if u have a better played in one save than another (when you very first start the save, not after development etc)