To answer your question, no it does not.
and that has been my point all along
thank you and goodbye
To answer your question, no it does not.
We are not trying to make kits to look like typical Bayern Munich kits though. That is the point of it they are FANTASY kits.
I know, but you get the point with what I meant, that they still have to "look-like" FC Bayern in a way?
Or at least in my opinion, you know?
yes, I personally, like i said in my first post, so learn to read and shut up
my opinion not yours
your all so angry and taking everything too seriously and personally, the big problem on fm-base....
but just to demonstrate what I mean, does this look like FC Bayern kit, it has the right colors:
View attachment 49707
Yeah I can see what you meant, but I can also see what other people meant, everyone has their opinions though and it was a pretty pointless argument tbh.
The only resemblance that they need to have with the current Bayern Munich kit, is the colours, everyone has done that and everyone has stuck to the rules. You don't make the rules so don't tell us what we can and can't do
nice stoke top there
well all i have to say is not once was i rude or even taking it as an argument so i have nothing to say sorry about.
oh and put your kits up stigen
Why dont u put up or shut up and do a kit m8
This is my attempt at KOTW5. The only way it will be a good week is if you vote me!
Bayern Munich Home
Bayern Munich Away
This is my attempt at KOTW5. The only way it will be a good week is if you vote me!
Bayern Munich Home
Bayern Munich Away
I almost went for BMW! Nice kits
The red in your home kit is not so red, I'm having the same problem with mine as I do them as best:S Nice kits thou
It's not that I had a problem, I could make it a brighter red but then it's eyesore and bayern do have a darker than normal red
seems all stigen does is go around dissing other peoples creations while having none of his own on the other hand i think all the kits are good and its nice to see so many ideas come together
this is my kit attempt aint a hot shot whatso ever yet i dont claim to be ethier just to show i have and can do kits