Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score

Koen - Fast, Attacking, Beast Tactics Thread.

'' I want to dominate, dominate and dominate. Then we have a good chance to win the game! ''

Hi, Here I am going to post my self-made tactics. Hope you enjoy and post feedback as well!

The keyword is time: 'Give the tactics some time..'

Which tactics are downloadable?
In this thread you can find various tactics..

- The Fast, Fluid 4-3-3 Strikers Beast.
- The Fast, Fluid 4-4-2 Beast.

How to get the tactics fastly fluid?
The best way to get the tactic fluid, before the season starts, is to put the tactic in all 3 slots and set training to 'tactics only' with the slider all the way to the left.

Team talks
I think I am doing a great job using my own team talks. This year it is more important dan other FM versions. Make sure you boost your players with good team talks. Here is a guide how to use them.. (Not mine!)
Raikan007's Teamtalk Guide Fm14: How to get the right reaction!

Will I win every single match using this tactics?
No, you will not. This FM14 series it is really hard to find a tactic exploiter who will win every single FM match. In my opinion I dominate every single match, but that doesn't mean you are going to win it. Like my favorite manager, Frank de Boer, always says: ''When we play well, there is a high chance we are on the best side of the score''. If that's correct English!

The tactics aren't perfect. Help me to improve this tactic and together we can build a unstoppable tactic!

Don't ask me..
Don't ask me questions if it's season 1 or 'what kind of transfers you made'. Because I have a philosophy I use every single career. I only buy youth players from the same nationality as the club. Further I never buy, because I want to import youth, what will give a boost to the club and the national team, at long terms.

I will test this tactic with other clubs. I hope you can help me with this by sharing your results in the comments below.

With love, from the Dutch, Koen. :wub:

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Koen - Fast, Attacking, Beast.

'' I want to dominate, dominate and dominate. Then we have a good chance to win the game! ''

Hi, this is my first tactic release for Football Manager 2014. I was always a fan of the 4-3-3 strikers formation and this time I have created my own fast, attacking, beast. This tactic is created for the 14.2 patch. I hope you have some fun using this tactic and let me now how it goes!

How does the tactic play?
The mentality is set to overload and the fluency is set to balanced. We play with attacking backs, a defensive midfielder to support the central defenders, 2 dynamic midfielders and 3 different role strikers at front. Your team plays in a compact way with high pressing to win the ball as fast as possible back. It isn't a possession tactic, but it is high pressing and dominating tactic. I want to dominate every single match!

Show me the formation
Below you can find a screen from the first version of the tactic. Future tactic versions can look different to the screenshot.


Give the tactic some time..

Training part of the tactic
I have played the whole season with this (team)training. The general training is set to 'Balanced - High'. The match training is set to 'defensive positioning'. Of course you set it to your own favorites! The individual training is always set to training roles for my players at a 'high' intensity. Make sure your players have a good morale, otherwise they will get mad about their individual training.


How to get the tactic fastly fluid?
The best way to get the tactic fluid, before the season starts, is to put the tactic in all 3 slots and set training to 'tactics only' with the slider all the way to the left.

Team talks
I think I am doing a great job using my own team talks. This year it is more important dan other FM versios. Make sure you boost your players with good team talks. Here is a guide how to use them..
Raikan007's Teamtalk Guide Fm14: How to get the right reaction!

It is really important that you read the 'important note' in post 2!

Tactical tips
Before using this tactic, make sure you have the players to import this tactic. Not every team suits a attacking 3 strikers formation with a lot of pression. I use a standard pitch size and I do not use any opposition instructions. I will never accept advice on changing the team status of a player or use a another training because a player is unhappy. I regular do a team meeting, because it gives a boost to their morale and mostly players will react positively. It is also important to take individually to a player to let him know 'he is doing well', or something like that. I do not use a corner tactic, because I don't have any. When we go down to 10 men I take the central attacker or the central midfielder off. You can find out by your self what's the best option. Last but not least, make sure you give your players a lot of rest between games.

Will this tactic work when my players have a bad morale?
Well, I don't think so. So make sure your players have a normal or a good morale. And give the tactic some time!

Is this tactic plug and play?

Will I win every single match with this tactic?

No, you will not. This FM14 series it is really hard to find a tactic exploiter who will win every single FM match. In my opinion I dominate every single match, but that doesn't mean you are going to win it. Like my favorite manager, Frank de Boer, always says: ''When we play well, there is a high chance we are on the best side of the score''. If that's correct English!

This tactic isn't perfect. Help me to improve this tactic and together we can build a unstoppable tactic!

Don't ask me..
Don't ask me questions if it's season 1 or 'what kind of transfers you made'. Because I have a philosophy I use every single career. I only buy youth players from the same nationality as the club. Further I never buy, because I want to import youth, what will give a boost to the club and the national team, at long terms.

I will test this tactic with other clubs. I hope you can help me with this by sharing your results in the comments below.

Downloadlink - Version 3.0 - 20/12/2013 - Version 3.5 - 21/12/2013

What kind of players do I need..
Let's start with the describing of players that will fit this tactic perfectly.

The goalkeeper - Sweeper Keeper (Attack)
Just find a good goalkeeper. Simple!

The central defenders - Central Defenders (Defense)
Heading, marking, tackling, anticipation, concentration, acceleration, jumping and strength.

The backs - Compelete Wing Back (Attack)
Crossing, dribbling, marking, tackling, flair, positioning and stamina.

The defensive midfielder - Ball Winning Midfielder (Defense)
Marking, tackling, aggression, bravery, positioning, teamwork, work rate, stamina and strength.

The central midfielders - Box-To-Box players (Support)

Passing, technique, work rate, decisions, off the ball, dribbling, finishing, first touch, long shots and acceleration.

The side strikers - False Nine (Support)

First touch, crossing, long shots, passing, off the ball, finishing, dribbling, creativity and teamwork.

The central striker - Deep Lying Forward (Attack)

Finishing, first touch, passing, technique, anticipation, balance, creativity, composure and off the ball.

How does the tactic play..

If we want to dominate games, we need to have the ball. I don't want my goalkeeper and defenders to go for the long ball, but pass the ball to my complete backs or midfielders. They need to set up the attack with good and perfect passing. I want my backs to keep the formation wide because there are a lot of players in the centrum of the pitch.

When we have the ball at my midfield, it will look like the screen below. As you can see, I play with very attacking backs to make it harder for my opponent. They have to make changes and run after my complete backs.


Here is another example of a situation where my central defender has the ball. My backs are almost as deep as my strikers to create space for the midfiels, or an attackers who comes the ask for the ball.


#21 en #2 are the complete backs. Really? Really!

I will also show you where the pressure begins. Exactly, from the moment the opponent has the ball. I don't want my opponent to play their style. When they have a goalkick, they may not pass the ball to their defenders. And if they pass succesfully to their defenders I want a high pressure to make it hard for them to pass the ball in midfield.


Otherwise, you are not going to win the match.

You need to look at this screen below. It was starting this game with the same tactical settings as all my other games. But, for some reason my team found it necessary to put 2 players at tight man mark to their fullbacks. That's of course suicide, because their is to much space in the midfield. Make sure, at the player instructions, that your side wingers will mark the oppositions fullbacks. I don?t know what the reason why it changes by his self sometimes!


You need to check this every game, specially when it isn't going well, because most of the time that is the reason you can't dominate and win the match. It is possible that you need to set it down every game!

Useful tweaks for the tactic..

My high pressure isn't working because of their backs..
It is possible that opponent has 2 attackings backs and that will make it hard to use a high pressure on them. Because our side strikers will man mark the opponents backs. Then we can use the following tweak. Now, my side strikers use the player instruction 'man mark' to the opposition full backs. Delete this player instruction and you will see that the high pressure will be working.

I'm conceding a lot of goals in the last minutes of the game..
Use a lower mentality for that last minutes.

When you think other player roles will suite the tactic better? Do it!
When you think you need to use opposition instructions? Do it!
Maybe you find the key to be more succesful..

Tactic versions..

Version 3.5
Version 3.5 is different from the first version: version 3.0. There isn't changed a lot from the first version, but it works in my opinion much way better. I changed some player instructions and the roles from my strikers. The results have gone better since this tweak so I really want to share that version with you. See the opening post!

I am still searching for a good corner tacic, because I don't score from corners in this two versions..

Tactic results

Test with AFC Ajax
Well, that went good. Won every single title in 2014/2015, even the CL (Final against Barcelona). I've started to use this tactic since april so I haven't played a full season with the tactic.




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Koen - Fast, Attacking, 4-4-2 Beast.

'' I want to dominate, dominate and dominate. Then we have a good chance to win the game! ''

Hi, after a succesful Football Manager 2013 4-4-2 beast I am going to show you a Football Manager 2014 4-4-2 beast. Hope to see a lot of good results and feedback as well.

Show me the formation
Below you can find a screen from the first version of the tactic. Future tactic versions can look different to the screenshot.


Give the tactic some time..

Training part of the tactic
I have played the whole season with this (team)training. The general training is set to 'Balanced - High'. The match training is set to 'defensive positioning'. Of course you set it to your own favorites! The individual training is always set to training roles for my players at a 'high' intensity. Make sure your players have a good morale, otherwise they will get mad about their individual training.

This tactic isn't perfect. Help me to improve this tactic and together we can build a unstoppable tactic!

Don't ask me..
Don't ask me questions if it's season 1 or 'what kind of transfers you made'. Because I have a philosophy I use every single career. I only buy youth players from the same nationality as the club. Further I never buy, because I want to import youth, what will give a boost to the club and the national team, at long terms.

Downloadlink - Version 2.0 - 23/01/2014 - Version 2.1 - 23/01/2014
I am still in a test phase. Help me by posting your results with this tactic. Thank you!
I am still working on defensive tweaks..

Tactic results

View attachment 430279 View attachment 430276 View attachment 430275 View attachment 430274
First game with this tactic, against Juventus in the CL. Second and third match against Chelsea and ManU. Tactic isn't fluid!

View attachment 430299 View attachment 430298 View attachment 430297 View attachment 430296 View attachment 430295
Never use Ben Amos against (lucky) Barcelona. First prize of the season in the pocket with a pretty good match! Tactic isn't fluid.

View attachment 430294
Tested with Heracles Almelo in Holland, season 1, media prediction 13th!
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Interested in a Regen Haircut Facepack?

Make sure you download this pack and give your regens better and various haircuts. (More than 1000+ haircuts)

It will look like this..

View attachment 430313 View attachment 430312 View attachment 430311 View attachment 430310View attachment 430309

And where do I need to install it..

1. Download the pack from the link above.
2. Open the Winrar pack and extract the map 'Mega hairpack 1' to the following map:
C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/FM14/Data/Facegen/Hair
3. It will look like this:
voorbeeld. (Example)
5. Open your game, go to preferences, 'Delete Cache', 'Reload Skin'.
6. You don't have to start a new game.

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Eriksen - would you say the 442 was the best one of the 2? Also will you be releasing a 451 similar to how Ajax play?
Eriksen - would you say the 442 was the best one of the 2? Also will you be releasing a 451 similar to how Ajax play?
I am working on a 4-5-1, Yup. Playing the Ajax-way!
And yes, I think the 4-4-2 Beast is better because you can use it with more various clubs.
Eriksen - would you say the 442 was the best one of the 2? Also will you be releasing a 451 similar to how Ajax play?

From the 4-4-2: (quite a bit of text, so not surprised you might have missed it)

"I am still in a test phase. Help me by posting your results with this tactic. Thank you!
I am still working on defensive tweaks.."

Viktor Fischer is a cracking player, so would love to use a tactic where he would fit in, in his natural position :)
Still updating the 4-4-2 beast topic with more and more results. Going strong!
Seems like version 2.1 is the better version using top teams.
Do you change things when playing against topclubs for example?

Kan ook in het nederlands..
tried the 442 tactic in a champions league game. Went very well. Will update