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KooKooCocopuff v1.5 (setpieces credit to elturko/delicious)

Let's no create confusion, the set pieces are from my tactics, which el turco are using is another matter. The only thing is different is the trown routine,which is a one man more into the trown routine. The assembler is my tactical style.
Let's no create confusion, the set pieces are from my tactics, which el turco are using is another matter. The only thing is different is the trown routine,which is a one man more into the trown routine. The assembler is my tactical style.
Ya lad you are correct , I think elturko originally borrowed your routine , and I was going to borrow his but I noticed the routine was already borrowed :unsure::unsure::ROFLMAO:
If so is the case its unfourtunate the lad didn't mention you in his tactic.
Thanks for the set piece routines.
Besides that I think the actual tactic itself bares no real resemblance to any of yours and/or el turko work though .
Btw reason throw ins are different is because I tweaked them to my own set up suggested by my friend arnold and I actually tweaked it twice.
Ya lad you are correct , I think elturko originally borrowed your routine , and I was going to borrow his but I noticed the routine was already borrowed :unsure::unsure::ROFLMAO:
If so is the case its unfourtunate the lad didn't mention you in his tactic.
Thanks for the set piece routines.
Besides that I think the actual tactic itself bares no real resemblance to any of yours and/or el turko work though .
Btw reason throw ins are different is because I tweaked them to my own set up suggested by my friend arnold and I actually tweaked it twice.
About the tactic it self at least for me(i would lol if someone come after that), you can do w/e you want, i don't mind. Just wanted to clarify the point about set pieces, since they become "meta" people getting the strange idea that is from someone else. I will check out that trown-in as well, maybe is better ^^.
Did you play each match or just holiday through the season?
Lad I played all my games mostly on extended highlights EXCEPT for the last maybe 2-3 games ONLY when the title was already mathematically secured because I wanted to give youngsters some playing time and I cba to watch the game any more when the title was already won so I simulater 2-3 games with fringe/u21 players and I still won most of them btw.

BTW: I won the bundesliga back to back on my hertha save (first season I was using dopecookies) but second season using kokopuff but a newer version which I'll attach. It has a slight tweak to the volante role and another throw in adjustment.

BTW I've noticed you asked the very same question on multiple tactics , its a bit impolite to repetitively spam the same questions on multiple threats , at least don't just blandly copy and paste the question and maybe ask something else in addition to it regarding the tactic or ask in a PM to the tactic's authors.


  • KooKooCocopuff 4-4-1-1 v1.6.fmf
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Hey mate, thanks for your reply.

Sorry for the copy and paste cause I was lazy, :giggle:. But the reason i asked is that I usually plays all my matches in extended highlight as well. And some tactic creators just holiday through the season which will generate different results/outcomes.

I am very impress with your first season Tottenham double. Did your use Kokopuff V1.6 for the tottenham save? And OI just leave to assistant?

Hey mate, thanks for your reply.

Sorry for the copy and paste cause I was lazy, :giggle:. But the reason i asked is that I usually plays all my matches in extended highlight as well. And some tactic creators just holiday through the season which will generate different results/outcomes.

I am very impress with your first season Tottenham double. Did your use Kokopuff V1.6 for the tottenham save? And OI just leave to assistant?

Yes lad I have used the 1.5 version when I won the tottenham double and I left the OI to assistant but keep in mind the assistant should have reasonable tactical knowledge id say minimum 13+ (mine had I believe 16.)
I do believe the new tweak I posted may be marginally better so I recommend also trying it , but yes on the tottenham and leeds save version 1.5 was used.