
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All

Apologies if a similar thread has already been started. I'm looking to sign Kroos or Alaba, can get either for around £30mill but I'm really struggling to decide which one to go for.

I'm playing as United at the mo. Alaba appeals to me as he's physcially the stronger of the 2 whereas Kroos seems to have the better stats for assists etc...

I'm leaning towards Alaba because he's 2 years younger than Kroos and I reckon I can sculpt him into the ideal midfield player for me. Perhaps someone has a future screen of Kroos? I've got this one of Alaba which I like:

Can anyone give me any direction? Been mulling over this for too long now and I just want to kick the next season off!

I really loved Alaba on Fifa 12, so i really do assume that he is a great player on Fm too. Also yes, he's younger and can build more within the two years and come a much more better player. So i personally would go for Alaba!
Depends what you are looking for...Alaba for ball winning etc....Kroos if your after some creativity and possession :)
i got alaba on a free and has been a powerhouse in CM, that being said id go for willian of shaktar, you will get him for about 7.5mill and he is much better than kroos and alaba put together.