"Laughing off interest" or so you thought...


Sep 6, 2010
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After managing Man Utd for 3 seasons (Had international football experience set as I planned on being there for good), I was sacked as my new project saw us fall to 6th place (managed to get all players apart from Rooney under 100k wages per week and making a very healthy sum each month)... But despite winning the league the season before, 6th place was deemed not good enough by November.

The real question comes here, have you ever been "laughed off" by a team when applying to be manager, only to become there manager somewhere down the line?

The best job I could get after United was Fulham, sitting 19th in the Prem in mid January, I guided them to a steady 13th place. At the end of the season I had a job offer from Newcastle United... A team which "laughed off my interest" just 4 months previous.
England did in my 3rd season as United manager (my first save on Fm13) after winning literally everything except for the ECL in one of the 3 seasons! I had auto experience set..

I then applied for Brazil and they offered me a contract only to have England beg me :)
It certainly is strange! And the only difference between them laughing off my interest and offering me a contract was finishing Fulham is 13th place and signing a 30 year old Lukas Podolski for them... Surely not enough for such a dramatic change of heart?