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Feb 23, 2010
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So I just got banned from the SI forums for calling them out on this, so clearly it touched a nerve with them. This is not acceptable and we should be annoyed about this announcement, and I'm going to explain why.

This time last year they released FMC for the PS Vita, they have since abandoned the PS Vita and no summer transfer update was released for it. So it was effectively valid for about 3 months at most.

So here we are 2015, and look a new FM15 game is out. It's on a platform that already has a current FM15 game on it, and it's being released with 7 games left in the PL season (most leagues are nearing the end). There will be no summer transfer update for this game, so again it's going to be valid for 3 months.

They might not abandon this market like they did with the Vita, but they sure won't support this £14.99 game for very long. This is effectively a beta test for FM16 at this point.

This should be be acceptable for any game developer to release a game that has a 3 month life span. And yeah, Miles is defending this business model to me on twitter right now.
You were banned for being abusive toward SI on their own forum - and you were.

You might want to read the other replies in that thread, because they did it with (slightly) more manners than you did and it got replies from SI staff, so your "calling out" post had already been answered too.

Firstly, there isn't a detailed game like this available for tablets. Now people have that option. Secondly, your maths need work too. FM usually releases toward the end of October or early November, so it doesn't have 3 months of "validity".

Bottom line (and it's so, so simple) - if you don't want it, have an issue with it or anything like that - Do Not Buy It. Let people who want to buy it do so.
Yeah, I'm not going to have you carry on your ill founded gripe on here after you were rightly banned.
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