level 23 england

there is a lot i no but you gotta trust me i have done it i just dont understand the internet as much as i do the editor of fm thanks to youtube
there's more than a lot, mate
there must be 500 leagues
more, probably.
im just not having it.
you must understand that it looks more like an attack on the site more than anything else.
yeh thanks mate i will try and have it all done by tommorow but i am very buzy from now on :) but i will do that tomorow going to bed no to watch abit of tele
Just the share amount of clubs and cities is impossible.

I've taken the level 11 build and tried and tried to take it down another level, but it's just too big to comprehend for one person. And a team of dedicated editors cant even do it....but yet to claim to have taken it right down to the bottom of the pyramid.........since the game was launched November as well.....nope sorry I honestly don't believe you.

And also somebody who has done this, and spent that much time on it, but then doesnt' now how to do a simple "Print Screen" yeah sorry........no.

If you have done then I'm sorry, but until proof there is no way I'll believe you.
A self proclaimed "Compooteh Wiz" who can't Google what Megaupload is.
Just the share amount of clubs and cities is impossible.

I've taken the level 11 build and tried and tried to take it down another level, but it's just too big to comprehend for one person. And a team of dedicated editors cant even do it....but yet to claim to have taken it right down to the bottom of the pyramid.........since the game was launched November as well.....nope sorry I honestly don't believe you.

And also somebody who has done this, and spent that much time on it, but then doesnt' now how to do a simple "Print Screen" yeah sorry........no.

If you have done then I'm sorry, but until proof there is no way I'll believe you.

couldnt agree more mate, also says he was skyping his grandkids, and earlier said he was never married so had plenty of time, i assume that also means not much time raising children.

plus i quite like this website, so id rather it not be raped by some bell end with a vendetta!
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The running speed of my computer with this many leagues would be unplayable it struggled enough with Level 10. That would probably be the main problem for most people
ii have made a level 10 and i no rtc has made half on level 12 but he has a team of editors so i find this impossible unless i see abit of proof!
hello i have made level 23 england after having lots of sleepless nights i dont have a job i am retired and i have nothing else to do i am a computer wizzard how do i upload Level 23? does anyone have any idea.

u are retired??how old re u mate
if he has a great computer that can run it then if he's worked at the pace rondinhoo's currently working at from when it came out then he might have been able to complete it by now.

but i doubt he has as i doubt anyone could know their way around the editor that well but not know how to upload a screenshot.
i will upload level 10 tonight, and continue making leagues,clubs to do level 12 then upload level 11
this isnt my db its someone elses i am just saying on what i am doing and how far i am