
Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
I have both my full backs set to Limited Full Back (I don't want them bombing forward, I want them to defend) with a defend duty and have given both of them 'Stay Wider' instructions. But every time a ball comes down the wings, they're nowhere to be seen. I have tried 'Stick To Positions' as a team instruction as well to no avail. They always seem to be running out to the wings from the middle of the park, even though I have my team playing wide.

My defensive line is set deep (too many hoofed clearances catching my back four off guard saw to that) so they have no reason to be out of position. I have two registas who do a decent job of mopping up for them, but they shouldn't have to be doing their jobs.

Any ideas?

Also - team mentality is contol and shape is structured, with a lower tempo.
I had it as a player instruction and a team instruction. Removed it as a team instruction and gave it as an instruction only to my full backs, one of my registas and my most competent CD. Also tried using close down less with tackle harder in the hope that he'd have room to time his tackle, but if he's rarely close enough then it's not achieving much. I tried man marking but my assistant reminded me time and time again that they were being drawn out of position (got to laugh at the irony).

Tried a few variations of closing down/tackling, only thing I can think now is abandon player instructions and have the team playing defensively, highly structured and stick to positions. Goals count for nothing if you're being outscored.