Big thaks for TookaJobs for video!! And also thank you for FarisMee, ScaryKebab and Wiwyun for comments. Unfortunately i have been so mad busy with personal life and with this covid-hassle at work i havent played or even opened this forum for quite some time, but now its getting easier.
With strikeless tactics, they usually are even better when actually played, compered testing. When you just leave it assman to select team they quite oftenpick midfielders for AM(SS) instead strikers and in game its a lot worse option. even wingers usually would be better shadow strikers that basic midfielder, because with these strikerless tactics its huge help if your shadow strikers have quite similar strenghts than AF (advanced forw.) pace ect. Seen it many times when i was testing this or some other strikeless tactics that choices were quite far from optimum.
I did other version, with less intensity, also and i try to find it and post it, when i start playing again. Less injuries and less need to rotate also if you have smaller squad.
With topteam, or chasing result when a goal down, you can always add: "pass into space". But if you team lacks quality to pass and tempo you use is high, you tend to loose a ball a lot, espesially longer you set your teams passing . Better quality your team is, more you can demand, and this has nothing to do are you underdog or not, its about how you optimize you teams chance to perform best their ability allows.

Huge help also is when season starts and you have meeting with team and you set "code of conduct". Everything that has something to do with cards or bans, put it to "fine 2wks". It usually goes well with players and you get much less reds in whole season. Even with tactics with lot of hard tacling and/or stuck-in.
Also i would change throw-ins to "mixed" after latest patch (even to default), because this tactic was done for last one patch (and also was tested with more points), and now they changed it in this patch which was very good because it was very unrealistic that everyone was throwing like Rory Delap.
I`ll re-do this tactic in a few weeks when i start to play again.