Liverpool complete sale to NESV.

At laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttt, our lonely dayss with Hicks and Gillett are gooooooooooooooooooooooooneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and nowwwwwwwwwww ourr financessss are as sound as a song :). woo so happy.
Excellent news, should give the players some encouragment for the game this weekend.

I just hope we aren't in for more broken promises. And to the cowboys, good riddance. Please never return to football.
Looks Great but I have noticed several stories that there were other potential buyers offering more than NESV and were even prepared to redevelop the stadium but their bids were ignored by the Directors

Looks like the Anfield Saga goes on....
And to the cowboys, good riddance. Please never return to football.

I think you'll find that Hicks & Gillett are finished in the business world. The only way they'll get back to Wall Street is if they're employed as street cleaners there. The financial mess they created of LFC & their disgracefull antics in the sale process has done for them professionally.

Welcome NESV - please don't screw us over like D & D did.
Reporter: Mr Henry? how do you plan to finance this deal?

Henry: In Pounds

i like the guy, seems dignified and i like the way he handles himself,
one thing i've noticed is how much praise Broughton's getting! what about Purslow and Ayre? they deserve some credit...
great news, they are already 25million a year better off, even without further investment that is one new worldclass player a year. finally some light at the end of the tunnel

Looks Great but I have noticed several stories that there were other potential buyers offering more than NESV and were even prepared to redevelop the stadium but their bids were ignored by the Directors

Looks like the Anfield Saga goes on....

yeh one was a middle eastern man u fan. the other was a US hedge fund, that were only interested in buying us, so they didnt lose gillets shares. which effectively caused them to lose 75million.
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It's a pity this has happened too late for FM2011 - would-be LFC managers will no doubt have zilch to spend in the transfer market & be forced to sell the big wage earning players - at least until the first patch comes out.
I suppose in the meantime you could use the data editor...I mean it wouldn't be cheating in this case would it ?
It's a pity this has happened too late for FM2011 - would-be LFC managers will no doubt have zilch to spend in the transfer market & be forced to sell the big wage earning players - at least until the first patch comes out.
I suppose in the meantime you could use the data editor...I mean it wouldn't be cheating in this case would it ?

Last year the first patch came out on release date so maybe not too late.
Pleased this is over. Not for Liverpool, purely because I am sick of hearing about this every time I go on SSN.
I'm just waiting for the first spade in the ground comment from them...
Victory For Common Sense, Defeat for Conmen

So, Tom Hicks to put all his efforts into a mega lawsuit. An outrageously large and disgusting figure. (And the $1.6bn is excessive, too).

While we must be wary of embracing NESV with arms that are too open – once bitten, twice shy – it’s fair to say that their reputation in American sport is as stellar as Hicks’ is slime-ridden and sodden. These guys are Nirvana, Hicks is Billy Ray Cyrus; John W Henry is ‘Frasier’, George Gillet is ‘Joey’. A lot of good things come out of America – the folk are not all like Hicks and his mate, George W Bush.


John W Henry seems to be a man of class and distinction. The difference to three years ago is that I cannot find a bad word said about him, whereas few Texas Rangers fans had nice things to say about Hicks in 2007; something I wish I’d listened to more at the time (as well as Hicks’ disastrous dalliance with Brazilian football). Last year, Henry was voted the best owner in American sport; Hicks the 2nd-worst. So let’s hope the loose ends are tied up ASAP.

NESV worked wonders with the Boston Red Sox, ending an 80-year drought without baseball’s ultimate prize. Of course, not that English football is that simple; there isn’t the relative financial fairness that exists in that sport. These are not super benefactors, arriving with pots of gold. I, for one, am glad of that fact.

It’s not about buying success (see my new book for exactly how mega-bucks play an increasing role, and why Liverpool won’t be able to bounce straight back to where we were a few years back; the book was written, and a mountain of research undertaken, to show what’s required to succeed in the Premier League these days – and it’s very different to the ’90s).

I didn’t want the richest bidder to come in throwing cash around like Wayne Rooney in a brothel. It needs a considered approach, to make the most of the incredibly large and passionate fan-base, but without exploiting it. Of course, in terms of finances, the removal of the debt was the main priority, and that’s been taken care of.

It’s hard to see NESV finding the kind of money needed to break back into the top three, as the rich get richer. But no worries. Right now, it’s about building up again, bit by bit; undoing all the squad-thinning that’s taken place in the past two years. It’s about clever management, and making the right decisions, with the club at heart. For me, it was important that NESV won because they understand how to run a sports empire.

I have to say that I’ve been decidedly unimpressed by a lot of the football decisions made by Martin Broughton and Christian Purslow – two distinct rookies in the arena – but you have to give them full credit for the way they’ve played the game in their arena. After all, that was why they were originally brought to the club.

Frankly, the board – and the legal teams they’ve appointed – appear to have played a blinder. But of course, if a false move has been made along the way, it could yet prove hugely costly. The Dallas court has given permission to Hicks to file for compensation, so there are more twists and turns ahead; as you’d expect from someone as slippery as a lubed-up eel.

The key thing, though, was that Hicks and Gillett did not find a way to sell to who they wanted. Well done to all the main pressure groups and fans acting alone (or in unison) to make sure they didn’t get away with the true epic swindle. (And in that I include this site’s Erin, who was behind the successful viral distribution of her husband’s photograph of Hicks outside an investment bank.) It’s been outstanding to witness.

NESV now know that Liverpool fans are not to be messed with. We’re sick of being conned with broken promises and lies.

John W Henry even follows Spirit of Shankly and Save Liverpool on Twitter. Therefore, I see no reason why NESV would want to damage their reputation by doing just that. These are clever people, not out-and-out ruthless businessmen who only see in dollar signs. I refuse to believe that they will lie to us, or try to con us – because they know what happens as a result. And anyway, no amount of money is worth what it must feel like to be Tom Hicks.

It’s now vital that Liverpool FC gets its football strategy right; the priority was always to excise the parasites, and that appears successful. Getting out of the relegation zone would be a nice start; win at Goodison, and things really will start looking up. Now the heavy black cloud of the past couple of years has lifted, there’s the chance to translate some optimism onto the pitch.

-- Paul Tomkins
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I'm really delighted. Finally the Yanks were replaced by other Yanks. Yay! ^^)

But seriously, I'm happy to hear this. Hicks and Gillet were, IMO, trying to ruin everything that this club represents. Now let's see what their attitude will be. If they start taking quick action or just sit and wait. I hope everything goes the best way and that, in the end of the season, I see the Premier League trophy in Anfield (dreaming...)
It's a pity this has happened too late for FM2011 - would-be LFC managers will no doubt have zilch to spend in the transfer market & be forced to sell the big wage earning players - at least until the first patch comes out.
I suppose in the meantime you could use the data editor...I mean it wouldn't be cheating in this case would it ?

They should have the new owners in place for release version, really.
Last year the first patch came out on release date so maybe not too late.

To be fair i would guess it would take them 5 minutes to edit the game and im sure they havent signed off on the final version yet? I dont know really.
John Henry: The First Interview.

Liverpool Football Club's new owner John Henry has spoken of his delight after New England Sports Ventures completed their purchase of the Reds.


In an exclusive interview with, Henry reveals his pride at the deal and explains why he believes NESV can lead the Club into an exciting new era.

First of all John, welcome to Liverpool Football Club...
Thank you. I'm really happy to finally be here.

How pleased are NESV to be our Club's new owner?
We're incredibly pleased. Talking to all the partners in the States, they're extremely happy.

It's been a dramatic few days - what have they been like from your point of view?
It has been a dramatic few days, twists and turns, it's been stressful but finally we have it done and that was our goal and our hope. I'm extremely proud of this team that worked on this deal.

Were you always confident this deal would go through?
No. There were many days where I was wondering whether or not we'd be going home. In fact, even today I wasn't a hundred per cent confident. There were days where I was confident but there were a lot of twists and turns here. It was a terrific team - Martin, Ian, Christian - who did a tremendous job of managing this process and I'm just happy it ended successfully.

Now the deal has been done and we can look forward, do you see similarities between Liverpool now and the Boston Red Sox team you took over?
There are a lot of similarities and that was something we've been discussing as we started doing our due diligence. We found more and more similarities between Liverpool 2010 and the Red Sox of 2001. I won't go into them at this point, but for instance the stadium issue was a big issue in Boston in 2001 and we went in there not knowing what we should do, whether we should build a new ball park or refurbish Fenway. We have the same issue here. We have to listen, learn, talk to the community, talk to the council, talk with the supporters, but the biggest issue of all is really what makes the most sense for Liverpool long term.
We're going to have to work very hard. There's a lot of work to be done to get this club to where it needs to be in the grand scheme of things. We really, through all the work we've done over the last two months, saw the challenges and problems which exist and we've got to work to address those. There is a great nucleus here off the field and on the field and we think we can build from that, but it's not going to be easy. We've got real challenges.

Some Liverpool fans expressed concern when it emerged that their Club could be sold to a new set of Americans - can you understand those fears?
I can, I absolutely can. It's been a tough three years and there were a lot of expectations created, so one thing I'm going to try not to do is to create a lot of expectations. I'm going to hopefully rather than make promises, deliver. When I say I, I mean New England Sports Ventures. We've got a very strong organisation, financially and otherwise, we have some terrific strategic thinkers and we're going to be attacking this head on starting tomorrow.

A lot of Liverpool fans all over the world are very happy today - what's your message to them?
All I can say at this point is we're going to work as hard for you as we possibly can and there's no doubt about it, you deserve it. You have supported this club through the worst of times now and we're going to do everything in our power to make the supporters proud of their club and of us. It's a big challenge but I think we're up for that challenge.
I agree - I am very happy. And i support (like?) ManU too, so I can only imagine what the "pure" fans must be feeling :wub: