Liverpool F.C. - There's Always A Joker In The Pack!


Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
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The Joker is the ultimate wild card; It can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Be your ticket to fame and glory, or the key to your demise and utter failure. A Joker can be used in many ways, so much so you never quite know when or where it will turn up and play its hand.

But just remember:
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So please, Join me on a journey, where I will attempt to guide the wildcard that is Liverpool F.C. through the tough challenges that are England and Europe and try to regain their foothold at the top of professional football and all the glory that comes with being the best, and ruling the beautiful game.

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Or is Liverpool just too far gone and unpredictable, will it be an impossible task to lead them in reclaiming their former glory. Will you watch as the Dark Gods of football call Liverpool’s number and I fail in my challenge, being the one to lead them down into darkness?

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Turbulant Times

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With Liverpool going from 2nd​ on the table one year, to 6th​ the next, Brendan Rodgers went from hero to zero in the eyes of most of the fans. Then with the unthinkable happening in Liverpool captain and legend Steven Gerrard announcing that he was leaving Liverpool for the M.L.S. Fans and pundits alike were calling for Rodgers head in reaction to the news but the board refused to act. But with the transfer of Raheem Sterling to Man City, his leadership skills and management ability were called into question and seemed to push the board to the edge but still no action.


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After the season drew to a close and the teams set about strengthening their squads for the upcoming 15/16 season many were caught off guard when the Liverpool board decided to sack Rodgers half-way through the off-season.

A race was heating up to take over the reins of Liverpool, with many big names being tossed around, and with the board keen to keep things as stable as possible they were swift in announcing that the new manager was ex Dortmund manager – Jürgen Klopp.


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With the sporting world reeling from the shocking news and the Liverpool F.C. board releasing a statement saying that this sudden news had made Klopp’s position untenable and had terminated his contract with immediate effect. Many in the media were predicting that Liverpool were facing the impossible in finding a manager able to stabilize the club. With un-official reports starting to emerge of team infighting and rifts between players, unless a strong willed no nonsense type of manager was hired. It seems this could be Liverpool’s last chance.

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Tax Fraud! You don't **** about :p Good luck mate. Liverpool are one of my favorite saves every year. Lil bit of hard work and they repay you ten-fold :)
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Tax Fraud! You don't **** about :p Good luck mate. Liverpool are one of my favorite saves every year. Lil bit of hard work and they replay you ten-fold :)

Cheers, that means alot coming from you. And yeah I felt it had to be serious enough to get him fired.

Thanks for the encouragement, it great stories like yours that inspire people like me to create one.
View attachment 987161
The Joker is the ultimate wild card; It can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Be your ticket to fame and glory, or the key to your demise and utter failure. A Joker can be used in many ways, so much so you never quite know when or where it will turn up and play its hand.

But just remember:
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So please, Join me on a journey, where I will attempt to guide the wildcard that is Liverpool F.C. through the tough challenges that are England and Europe and try to regain their foothold at the top of professional football and all the glory that comes with being the best, and ruling the beautiful game.

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Or is Liverpool just too far gone and unpredictable, will it be an impossible task to lead them in reclaiming their former glory. Will you watch as the Dark Gods of football call Liverpool’s number and I fail in my challenge, being the one to lead them down into darkness?

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Good luck mate. Liverpool are one of my favorite saves every year
Greetings, I am Vladimir

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Zdravstvuyte or Hello, My name is Vladimir Mistroff.

I was born on 19/11/1975 to Anya and Trushiv Mistroff in Moscow, my father worked as a sales rep at a local business and my mother looked after me and my brother Danival, we were never 'well off' but my fathers job meant food was always on the table.
I would like to say that I had an exciting childhood but the was not the case, I did ok at school and spent my spare time playing with my brother and our friends, it wasn't until puberty hit that things started to change. I grew and matured very early which meant I was much taller and stronger than all of my classmates, and because of that I became a defensive force on the football field which in turn immediately brought me to the attention of the city's age group scouts.
I continued to 'bulk up' while playing for Moscow's under 15's and then under 18's until at the age of 19 when I decided to try and land a professional contract; which I did. The following 11 years were amazing as I traveled and played for many different teams which in turn lead to my call up to the Russian national team for 24 special games including 2 wondrous goals, And while my physical abilities were always admired, my lack of respect for my manager and on field aggression never meant I was going to become anything more.


When I retired from football, I suddenly had a void in my life that I had to fill. After doing odd jobs and soul searching for a couple of years it was until I read an article about my playing career that it hit me; my lack of respect for authority wouldn't be a problem if I was the authority! After studying for my coaching licenses and passing them with top marks and learning English I was finally ready to restart my footballing career, this time as a manager!
Who yah gonna call?

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With Liverpool under a constant barrage of media attention now and many high profile managers public stating that they had no interest in managing the club, many fans were starting to get frustrated by the lack of direction the club was taking the board decided to do an unprecedented move. They were opening up managerial applications to any professional mangers who were serious about applying.


I heard the news via a friend, I was shocked at the news but excited at the same time. I had been struggling to get interviews and with the Liverpool board opening up applications this could be my chance to get some media attention and possibly be picked up by a club in England's lower leagues as I had no hope of actually gaining the position. I hopped on a plane over to England and set about applying for the job.

I received an email confirming my application had been received and that I was to have an interview on Thursday, and somehow the media had already got wind that I had applied for the job and were already publishing articles about my intentions to manage in England.

My interview with the board was set for 4:30 the last of the day and it would go for only half an hour, I was shown in and introduced to the member of the board who were present, and immediately I noticed something, they were exhausted and were looking to get this over as quickly as possible. I knew I had little to no chance of getting the position but I wanted to make a good impression on them regardless. But within minutes it was evident they didn't like me and my vibe, I was annoyed, I wanted at least a proper chance. So I did what I used to do on the pitch, I got angry.

So for the next 10 minutes I yelled at their stunned faces, swearing sometimes in English sometimes in Russian, telling them that just because your club has history doesn't mean that you can rest on it. I told them my mind and after eventually calming down, I didn't even apologize or say goodbye, I just walked out.


I woke up on Saturday to my phone ringing non-stop, I answered it to find myself taking to the Liverpool board chairman, He said good morning and asked how I was, and then asked me if we could talk in person. Once I arrived he asked me why I yelled at them and I answered honestly, to which he seemed to take great relief in.

He went on to explain that ever single one of the applicants they had interviewed had all talked about returning to the Liverpool glory days yet only one had talked about the thing they wanted - to build a new, even greater Liverpool era. The next thing he said was going to change my life for ever, he offered me the job.... To which I instantly said yes.

The paper work was done then and there and I was given a one year contract so if I failed to prove myself they only had one season to worry about me. My managerial career had begun!

