
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score

11:15 AM
BBC can confirm that Rafa Benitez has resigned from his position at Liverpool F.C.
12:30 PM
BBC put up the poll "who will be the next Liverpool manager?" the options include; Roy Hodgson, Martin O'Neill, Jose Mourinho, Guus Hiddink and Claudio Ranieri.

12:30 PM
After 24 hours the poll indicates that the majority of people would like Mourinho to take over as Liverpool boss with a staggering 48% of the vote. In second place Guus Hiddink with 22%, closely followed by Martin O'Neill with 18%, in fourth place Claudio Ranieri with 9% and in last place Roy Hodgson with 3%.

05:45 AM
A story concerning who will be taking over the reins is leaked. It indicates that Hicks and Gillett are in the final stages of completing a contract with a nobody in the managerial world. The story concludes by suggesting that the hiring of this nobody was strategically done to ensure a quicker sale of the club.
12:00 PM
Hicks and Gillett refuse to comment when they are met by the press

13:00 PM
Hicks and Gillett call for an urgent press conference to unveil the new Liverpool F.C. manager to take place at 15:00 PM
15:00 PM
The press conference is delayed for an unspecified length of time, the press and Liverpool fans are growing tedious awaiting the announcement of the new manager
15:40 PM
The press conference finally starts, Hicks, Gillett and somebody nobody recognises is sitting behind the desk with a swarm of press in front of them
Hicks makes the announcement that Nathan Brown will be the new manager, saying that do not let Brown's inexperience and youth fool you, he is the right leader for the situation we are in.
15:45 PM
The press conference is over.
Nice OP ;) Good Luck. Try and sell Babel and Buy Jovetic for 10 Odd Mill. I did nd won the league :D playing 8th season now :)
Good OP, maybe go into more depth and change the title? :)
good start interesting excuse for hiring unknown manager, good luck.
Definitely don't sell Kuyt or Babel, both of these are outstanding on my game. Agreed on Voronin, get what you can for him as well as Dossena and Degen.