
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Right I am into my second season as Liverpool Manager and I am looking for a second set of tactics so I can mix and match things.

Here is my squad and to the right is the current formation.

That formation is fine. You could switch between that and a 4-2-3-1.


Obviously Reina but set him as a sweeper keeper (defend) because he is probably the best sweeper keeper on the game. That also allows you to push your defensive line up abit because he will sweep up most stray through balls.


Glen Johnson - Wing Back (Support/Attack) depending on who you are playing against. Your preferred left back Full Back (Support/Defend) again depending.... Agger (Set him to play through balls Sometimes as he is a very good passer) and then Carra/Srtkel centre-back. Depends who you prefer again. Wouldnt use stopper cover here because Reina will act as the sweeper.


I'd recommend playing Gerrard and Meireles central midfield with Gerrard box to box and Meireles deep lying playmaker (make sure hes not set as primary playmaker though) Also rotate with Lucas but use Lucas as a Ball Winner. I'd have Maxi an Cole on the wings. Maxi moving into the channels as a winger and Cole cutting inside with creative freedom as an Inside forward (Attack).


Torres as the lone striker. Either Complete forward or Advanced forward. When playing 2 upfront keep Torres the same but play the partner as a Poacher. If you have Injury problems Kuyt can jump in as a Deep lying forward and do a very good job just make sure his long shots are set to Rarely.

As for your defensive line and stuff its entirly up to you and how you want to play just watch out when playing Carra you may need to drop your defensive line back abit.

Can't be bothered writing anymore but if you have any questions I'll try to answer haha.

Probably wasted my time writing all that because you just want a 2nd tactic... Try Alex's 4-2-3-1 formation, cant find the link though. I'll have a look now.

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