Liverpool424 Getting Andy Scores & Question About Cosistency


Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, this is the first tactic I shared here on FM2012

The main goal of this tactic is how to make Andy Caroll to scores

I think it works decent, but anyway he does score (6)

And Luis as the striking partner bagging lot of goals

downlaodlink: Mandibu424TM.tac

The formation:
View attachment 214216

View attachment 214217

View attachment 214218
View attachment 214218

Although I managed created the right tactic for my players, but the result on premier league is disapponting, the first half (Aug-Dec) I did well and sit on 1st. But later, suddenly everything went wrong, my goalkeeper prone to mistake, my defenders made lots of mistake, and my stikers forgot how to score

In the end of the season, I finished 5th and got sacked

1st half (aug-dec)
View attachment 214227

2nd half (jan-may)
View attachment 214228

The last postition I took screenshot
View attachment 214229

However I will try this tactic on a new game, so I have some questions for you


This is the 6th or 7th saves I have, and I HAVEN'T WON PREMIER LEAGUE even once in all my saves
I have to admit, this is the hardest Football Manager ever!! well, at least for me :'(

My problem is INCONSISTENCY in the later half of the competition
In one of my save, I managed to won Champions League twice, but always finish 2nd from season 2011/2012 to season 2015/2016 with my team scores bout 90 goals/season

The first save did the same, finished 1st half season but 3rd at the end on first season, then always finished runner up. Won CL once. I stop play this save in 2015/2016

Any suggestions?
NO suggestion yet ? :'(
This inconsistency matter really makes me curious, as you could see on the picture... all defeats is only by 1 goal (0-1/1-2/2-3/etc)
Impressive man. Dont worry about results. Getting Carroll to score is the greatest achievement. :)
Impressive man. Dont worry about results. Getting Carroll to score is the greatest achievement. :)

If you says that is impressive, than u may call this one madness:

Andy 32 goal
View attachment 214277

But lady luck wasn't smiling at me on this save, Andy struck by injury at the beginning of 2nd season... so I have to made some adjustment to my formation

It's my fault that I forgot to save the formation before I tweak it!!! When he came back from injury, never result the same... and actually after the injury at 2nd season I played him as substitute