LLM - Torn between good player/club wages

Jul 22, 2010
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I've been playing as a Blue Square South team. Over the season, we were tipped for relegation and were expected to finish in last place. We ended up finishing 13th much to everyone's surprise.

I have a really good midfielder, but his contract is costing me a fortune. His contract is currently £525 p/w, which is one of the highest in the leagues.

My club was recently taken over by the supporters trust, who are notorious for being stingy with wages. I'm currently £300 pounds over my wage limit and am not really sure what to do.

Here is the player:

That Player looks very good for someone in the BSN/S so i would not sell him if i was you, Never played in that league so not sure whats worth a lot and whats worth nothing, If i was you i would sell a few of your other players to get the wages back like some Reserves or maybe a few subs who dont do anything.
Well you're right, he is very good. However, since this is a created team, all my players are regens so I can't really get any money for. I have decided to hold on to him, though, as he had a great season.
What you can try to do is offer him a new contract with lower weekly wages but a higher signing bonus. This is what I do when I sign free players that have high wage demands that I can't afford the weekly wages - but it's 50/50 if they accept. You take a hit upfront financially but you will be under your wage budget so you may be able to sneak 1 or 2 more players in