Loan repayable over one month?!


Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
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Ok, so im playing FM10 right now, and I decided to play a realistic journeyman save, so when I got an offer from Pompey as MK Dons manager, I couldnt pass the chance up. Now, I know they had/have debts at the time, but they offered me a transfer budget of £12 Million, so I though, ok, maybe some of their debt has been cleared, and I can take them to the top.

So I accept the job and a few days after, I decide to look to see how much debt is left and I find this:

View attachment 248500

Seriously?! WTF?! £25 Million per month?! REALLY?!

How did they get a loan like that? Has anyone had anything like that before?

Kinda annoyed, but looking forward to the challenge.
The first thing I notice is that the loans are only £25 Million and £23 Million. The second thing is that the both of these loans start repayments in April and July respectively, which means they aren't £25 Million per month repayments. The whole loan is payed back in one go.

Never had it, but you're going to be £50 Million in the red by the start of next season...