
Jan 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, I have a question

I play with a lone striker as a false 9 and he insists in trying long shots instead of getting in the area and score from a closer position. I am trying to avoid it - the guy sucks at long shots - despite instruction the team to work ball into box, he still does it far too many times. Can anyone help me with it? Thank you!
Hey guys, I have a question

I play with a lone striker as a false 9 and he insists in trying long shots instead of getting in the area and score from a closer position. I am trying to avoid it - the guy sucks at long shots - despite instruction the team to work ball into box, he still does it far too many times. Can anyone help me with it? Thank you!

Does he have PPM as a long shot this could be it
he doesnt! just cant understand. is there any movement i can train to stop him from doing it?
Can't you just use the instruction "Shoot less often"? Pretty sure the default for F9 is that they shoot more often than pass.
nah didnt work... ive put him as a poacher and it did the trick more or less
There are a few possible tactical reasons for this:

1. Your wingers/IFs are not getting into the box enough.

The F9 requires other players to make runs in behind the defenders for him, otherwise there's no one to pass to when he picks the ball up deep in midfield. Seeing no available passing option, he elects to shoot from range instead.

2. Your F9 does not have good creativity/flair/decisions.

Without a good number in either of these attributes (more of decision and creativity than flair), your F9 will more often than not fail to pick out a good pass to the wingers/IFs, or make a bad decision to go for goal himself.

3. This edition of the ME still needs work (as it should be).

I've noticed in this ME that strikers tend to shoot from distance when one-on-one (for example, a through ball over the top of a high line breaking the offside trap) rather than move closer to goal before attempting to score. Results in plenty of missed opportunities that could have changed the game for me. I've had to change my tactics to a winger tactic so that the bulk of my play happens out wide where the forward does not get a chance to bring the ball towards goal himself, but breaks into the box waiting for a good cross.

Hope this helped!
...F9s have long shots built into their role. It's even one of the key attributes the game highlights. The false nine is not supposed to get into the box, so when he is the furthest up the field, he will prefer to shoot from distance than to go into the box, as he is supposed to be creating space to exploit. When no-one tries to run into the space available from defenders closing him down, he shoots. This all makes sense...

EDIT: The obvious way to fix this is to change the roles on the other players to better suit a false nine. If you have wingers, change them to IFs, if you have them on a support duty, change it to attack duty, if you have an advanced playmaker, change it to a shadow striker.
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Isn't shooting from range when better options are available (for example, a gap between the defenders that one could knock the ball past and be one-on-one with the keeper, or being one-on-one with the keeper from a through ball over the top) a result of bad decision making regardless of roles?

Shooting from range is hardly something a manager would confine his forward to, F9 or no, unlike more logical restrictions like "run wide with ball" or "hold up ball" etc.

Also, there is a reason the "shoot less often" instruction is available for a F9 role: Because the default instruction for a F9 is to "shoot more often". Therefore instructing your F9 to shoot less often should make him think twice about taking that shot from distance (but doesn't).

Am I asking too much of the ME? :p
Isn't shooting from range when better options are available (for example, a gap between the defenders that one could knock the ball past and be one-on-one with the keeper, or being one-on-one with the keeper from a through ball over the top) a result of bad decision making regardless of roles?

Shooting from range is hardly something a manager would confine his forward to, F9 or no, unlike more logical restrictions like "run wide with ball" or "hold up ball" etc.

Also, there is a reason the "shoot less often" instruction is available for a F9 role: Because the default instruction for a F9 is to "shoot more often". Therefore instructing your F9 to shoot less often should make him think twice about taking that shot from distance (but doesn't).

Am I asking too much of the ME? :p

You can ask a F9 to shoot less often and he will, but you need to also consider a few other factors.

- His Decisions attribute. A player that doesn't make good decisions, will take stupid long shots more often.

- His Creativity attribute. If he can't see better options, he might take a shot because he doesn't have another option.

- Lack of passing options? Linked to creativity, but make sure your players are supporting the F9 well enough so that they provide passing options for him.

- I'm assuming a F9 role has a lot of creative freedom, so he's not going to religiously stick to your instructions to shoot less. A low Teamwork attribute will make this worse, because he'd be even less inclined to adhere to your instructions.

- Minor point, but Shoot Less Often doesn't mean Shoot Never. He will still take shots from range on occasion as that is part of what the role does.
You can ask a F9 to shoot less often and he will, but you need to also consider a few other factors.

- His Decisions attribute. A player that doesn't make good decisions, will take stupid long shots more often.

- His Creativity attribute. If he can't see better options, he might take a shot because he doesn't have another option.

- Lack of passing options? Linked to creativity, but make sure your players are supporting the F9 well enough so that they provide passing options for him.

- I'm assuming a F9 role has a lot of creative freedom, so he's not going to religiously stick to your instructions to shoot less. A low Teamwork attribute will make this worse, because he'd be even less inclined to adhere to your instructions.

- Minor point, but Shoot Less Often doesn't mean Shoot Never. He will still take shots from range on occasion as that is part of what the role does.

I've covered all that in a previous post, actually. It's just that the frequency of long shots (subjective, I know) is annoying at times, especially when long shots are terrible in this year's FM.
I've covered all that in a previous post, actually. It's just that the frequency of long shots (subjective, I know) is annoying at times, especially when long shots are terrible in this year's FM.
You covered some of the possibilities. I covered all of them. Although maybe I should have added PPMs as a cause too, but that's very obvious.

Long Shots aren't a problem in my team. 1-4 long shots from 15-25 shots. I don't use a F9 though.
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