
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
According to my tactics,I need a qualified player who can play both AML and MC. sorry for english if there's a mistake
Andre ayew. Never really tried him as MC though


Great player, versatile and consistent. Scored the goal which won me the league in the 89th minute of the final game of the season! Hero forever. I'm not sure if he's accomplished in MC, but train him in it, and play him there occasionally and he'll quickly become accomplished. His release clause is about £12 million at the start of the game. Bargain.
oh thank you all. but this will be my 4th season so ayew can be expensive. Im gonna try all of your suggestions,Ayew first. thanks again
I brought nacer chadli and charlie adam I hope they play well
According to my tactics,I need a qualified player who can play both AML and MC. sorry for english if there's a mistake
i believe that eden hazard is the best player in both position :) eriksen is also a class :) and wilshere is a class too but not sure if he plays AML or you should train hum but he plays AMR and MC for sure :)