Loss of Forum Data (Posts/Threads/PMs etc..)


Staff member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
We lost quite a lot of data, almost a days worth. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

If you sent any important Private Messages within the past 24 hours I recommend you send them again.
so, seen as i started a story yesterday i would have to start it again?
Is it likely to happen again Sean, or should I just continue posting as usual?
i should be annoyed as i created a story yesterday, but i backed it up on a word document :)
samillyroy said:
this is bs.
This is what? Anyway, it's no-ones fault so we just have to move on and forget about it.

I would recommend people write out their story update on word for backup now as well ;)
doesn't make it any less annoying.

I personally find ungrateful posts like yours more annoying than the occasional database **** up.

Especially since you're using a signature template that Sean's provides, while complaining about it. Be a little bit more grateful that the service is even here, especially since you haven't contributed towards keeping it running.
it means bullshit,
but yeah i will from now on, just didnt expect that to happen and wrote so much yesterday that id already had to re-write once because it had deleted it before :| just wasted a lot of time that's all so I'm obviously annoyed but i understand it's no ones fault.
We are lucky its only 24 hours worth and not a week or something lol id be screwed done a lot of stuff yesterday but i always back up what im doing just in case oO)
I've gotten into a habit where I write up long posts (such as guides, stories, etc) in an editor before I post them anyway, as these errors do sometimes occur.

Just remember to do that in future and you won't need to complain. Anything that is longer than 15-20 lines: back it up.
okay, yer I'll bear that in mind.
well i apologise to anyone i offended :| was just annoyed thats all.
The most annoying thing for me was all the changes I did to my profile yesterday lol, done them again now so its all good.
It wasnt redders again was it sean:p. he is alway breaking the server;)
My stor y is the only annoying thing, but I'll just update at the end of the season <)