Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
best ways to use luca modric in centre mid he is playing so rubbishly I've got him in advanced playmaker he is just so ineffective
Cant help ya there i have the same issues....
I use him as Advanced playmaker support (in MC) and he performs well, either partnered with Scott Parker (Ball winning mid, support) or VDV (advanced playmaker attack)
Agree with comments - Modric looks numerically amazing, but flipping heck is he dissapointing in actual play. In fact, I'm so dissapointed, I might just sell him, but, then again, I find that CM players do next to nothing on FM12. I've found that since FM 2011, MC's get nowhere near as many goals or assists. It's far too reliant on forwards and wingers for assists and goals. It's not unreasonable to expect 15+ goals from a world class CM is it?

The only way I've managed to make him play any better is as an inside forward on the right hand side. I got the advice from another Luka Modric thread, so you might want to check that one out as I think you'll find this one will be shut down.
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Modric might not get lots of goals/assists in a season because his flair, off the ball, and finishing is just decent . But I found the way to improve his match rating is to play him more offensively. Inside forward on the wing and adv playmaker behind the striker will give him more assists and some goals. If you play him as MC he won't get lots of goals/assists but as long as he dictate the game well it's fine.
he must of read this since i wrote this he has bagged 8 Goals in 8 games :0 and his assists have gone threw the god dam roof resulting in mr alex ferguson and jose mourinhio keeepin a close eye on him :)
APM on the wing. He did amazing for me on the left when Bale was out... He doesn't perform at all like IRL though; he plays **** as a CM DLP / AP (s). I use him mainly as a utility backup, which is annoying since I love him IRL
When Ozil is out for me I play him on the left wing as an AP and he always does well there. I usually play him CM though as AP with attack. Average rating is 7.6ish. Played next to Fellaini as a BWM defending.
Don't sell Modric! When played right he's amazing. I play him as AMC or MC in a 4-2-3-1 formation, with two inside forwards and an advanced forward. His AMC role is like this:

Runs from deep: sometimes
Through balls: often
Long shots: rarely
Roams from position: yes
Wide play: move into channels

The rest of the settings are the default attacking midfielder - attack settings. He just loves to find some space, pick up the ball, wait for space to open up and then play the defence-splitting pass. In my first season with spurs he's got over 30 assists, and 11 goals - which could've been much more if his finishing wasn't so rubbish.

When played as a central midfielder I use him as a deep-lying playmaker - defend. He's great at circulating the ball and keeping possession, and when given enough space and time he can send a beautiful pass from the second line into the box for the forwards.
I played him as AP winger. Overall MC/AMC doesn't contribute **** to attack in this FM and having a creative player there is generally a waste of space. That rule is out if they can longshot like a boss (which Modric cant).