

Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score

Massive Action Game

I myself am in S.V.E.R. I've prestiged once and I'm currently level 27 I think. Not going to prestige again, screw that :S.

Does anyone else here play MAG? Main competitor seems to be MW2 but I still see a lot of people playing. If anyone is in S.V.E.R maybe we can make a clan, or just have a few games together as a group :)

What is MAG?

Well, as said above there are 3 'clans' to choose from. Each have different weapons, ranks etc. You can choose your gear, for example, as you progress through the levels (1-60) you unlock various masks/helmets/clothes colours in which you can choose yourself. There are 3 basic styles, light medium and heavy. Obviously, light is faster and less protected, the opposite to heavy and medium is fairly obvious. Every time you level up you unlock a point in which you can choose to upgrade your weapons, healing, stamina, how far you throw grenades etc. The further up the tier you go the more expensive it is. You have a limit to how much you can carry so you can't have a sniper machine gun and a rocket launcher, for example. There are 4 types of games. Each have different objectives, but in the end your still killing people. The way it's different to MW2 is that it's about achieving a goal as a team rather than trying to have the best score. You will be put into a team of 8, called a squad. You will also be part of a platoon, in which you have 8 squads. Overall there are 4 platoons in the biggest game, domination. In sabotage you have 1 platoon and acquisition and interdiction you have 2. When you reach level 15 you can apply to be a Squad Leader before every match. If you become squad leader you get leadership points. When you get enough you can then apply to be both Squad Leader and Platoon Leader. When you get even more points, you can apply to be Squad Leader, Platoon Leader, and OIC (Office In Charge) depending on what game type you play. That's pretty much it :)
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IT is easily my favourite online FPS this generation, but a lot of people font like it, because it tries to be realistic, and requires teamwork, Which is the exact opposite of the popular shooters.

it works well with playstaion move, for true motion tracking, but it is quite hard.

it probably doesn't suit your average COD fan.
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always sounded like a really interesting and truly unique game that sadly I have never played and won't be able to unless I go to the dark side one day and buy a ps3 (A)
I own the game, but haven't played it since I left university, so I guess that says it all.

Limited maps, supposedly 'close-range' guns able to snipe across the map just by adding a sight, and overpowered factions put me off really.

I am also S.V.E.R, but I doubt I'll play it again with MoH, CoD: Black Ops and FM 2011 coming out shortly.