Making Your Own Website

  • Thread starter Thread starter Burkie7
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Hey there!
I'd recommend what the others have said on here really: get to grips with XHTML first.
After you’ve learned some XHTML, you can begin to abstract all of the things like text colour etc out of your XHTML, and use a CSS style sheet to do these instead. Doing this decouples the way your site is presented from the way your site is actual content, so you could quickly and easily change the look and feel of your webpage without having to change all of the XHTML, by just switching which CSS Style Sheet is used on the page.

After you've made a few designs doing that I'd recommend you check out a server-side scripting language suitable for handling HTTP GET and POST requests, so you can make your pages dynamic (much like this actual forum). I'd recommend taking a bit of time to research PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor), JSP (Java Server Pages) and ASP.NET (although there are more technologies available to do the same job) and decide which one suits your needs. To use JSP and ASP.NET you'll need to have a decent grasp on Java and C#, respectively.

You should probably take a look at JavaScript as well, which is client-side scripting (i.e. runs in the browser not on the server, unlike the technologies mentioned in the previous paragraph), so you can manipulate the XHTML on your pages to do some really cool things like send asynchronous messages to the server and update your page without having to refresh the whole page (which is AJAX, Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

To get your pages online, you could try searching around for 'free web hosting' on Google, or if you feel like you want to invest a few pounds, look at some paid-for hosting. I've currently got hosting with, and they've been very good and they're quite cheap too!

Once you've got hosting, you should find some tutorials on the host’s site on how to upload your files to your directory on their web server by either FTP or a file manager.

Something else you may want to look into is being able to persist information from/for your site, probably via a database. This is good for if you want to be able to store your content on the database then dynamically build your pages using a server-side scripting language.

One last thing I’d recommend is if you feel like there’s too much to do, or that you don’t feel you understand what you’re doing, just break whatever you’re doing down into small tasks and isolate what you’re trying to achieve away from the mark-up or code you’ve already got. I’m on my final year of a Software Engineering degree and isolating problem code, or code I don’t quite understand, away from the source, or where I’m attempting to place it has helped me loads, time and time again.

I hope this helps, apologies if it seems I've just gone over the same thing as others have said too! If you have any more questions feel free to ask away :)