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Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Guys,
Looking at either Modric, Cassano or Gourcuff for AMC with my Man City team. Any reccomendations which would suit? Anybody had success with either of these players in this position?

I play 4-1-2-1-2 and he will be sitting behind the strikers looking to create opportunities aswell as scoring a few but generally setting up the strikers.

I was originally looking at Cassano but then remembered Modric and his creative ability with both feet arrrgggghhhh decisions lol..Also does Cassano cause trouble in the squad like real life lol..

Only other player aquisitions so far have been Ivan Cordoba (I've always loved this guy and he still has immense stats) from Inter and Bakary Sagna from Arsenal.

Modric has been great on my games. I have never bought him myself though. He usually plays as a winger for a AI managed club. Gourcuff hasn't shined for my arsenal team in a central midfield position. He gets his *** kicked by a 19 year old regen (Cesc is out for six months i bought Gourcuff to replace him in that time)
Id give Modric 10/10 but i would also reccomend Gourcuff as 8/10
modric 10/10
gourcuff 9/10
cassano i would rather play him as a striker
never had any of them but looking on diff sites every 1 seems to :wub: modric and he look unplayable on pics
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