Manager Disipline


Dec 22, 2008
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Lately a few members of my team have been getting concernd about manager disipline .. But i have only had two members of my team to get sent off. And even then i fined them 1 week wages. its not like the teams doing bad because i have won the League cup and premiership and in the final of the champions league and the fa cup. (my first season and im with chelsea and unbeating the whole of the season).:D
What can i do to reinforce my team disipline???
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Sell a few star players or give them a bollocking for being a bunch of primadonna twats!!
instead of fining players wages when they are sent off, try issuing a warning, usually work for me mate
i fine them 2 weeks wages and they are fine
I prefered it when you could fine players for no reason.I once picked on a player who wanted to move to a bigger club so badly the board sacked me,those were the days.:D
I prefered it when you could fine players for no reason.I once picked on a player who wanted to move to a bigger club so badly the board sacked me,those were the days.:D

lol that sounds well good
It's not just about hitting players with a fine for getting sent off... come on mate, use you noggin!!! This is meant to be as close as possible to being a football manager in real life, it's about keeping the squad in check, criticising poor performances, substituting a player when he's not performing, dropping them from 1st team til he regains focus, but then there is also the flip side, praising good performances, guaranteed place in 1st team for good consistent perfomances, new contracts, etc.

Just think about how you would handle a squad in real life!
I always issue a warning for a first infraction, issue a warning for a second and then fine them after that. Never had squad having a problem with my discipline
I always issue a warning for a first infraction, issue a warning for a second and then fine them after that. Never had squad having a problem with my discipline

Thats the same as ive allways dun and never had any problems.
I always issue a warning to a player if they are sent off for teh first time, then if they get sent off a second time that season, issue a one week fine, then a 3rd time a two week fine.

i start a new slate each season.

never had any problems with that, and very rarely have players sent off.