Stewy Legg

Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
I was playing FM10 last night and found something very unusual.

Firstly it started off with Tranmere having 2 different managers in one week. I thought nothing of this, but it got more and more strange. Within the next 2 months, Tranmere had employed 10 different managers!!!

It started to slow down with only 2 more managers in the next few months, but I found this very weird and unusual.

Is this some sort of glitch? Has anyone else encountered something like this before?

I look forward to your comments.
I doubt its a glitch the Tranmere board are probably extremly picky
i agree, this is very strange oO) they obviously dont like losing 1 game!
It's no glitch, it's just obvious Tranmere are awful.
Unfortunately I cant get a screenshot as too much time has passed and at least half of the news reports have gone.
stewy if you go under tranmere and history it should have a noteable history section (or something similar) where you can filter results to only hiring and firing of staff and players.
got to tranmere manager history
it should be there somewhere
Ok, i have found Tranmeres manager history, so here we go:

-David Hodgson
-Terry Brown
-Gary Peters
-Martin Foyle
-Neil Woods
-Alan Lewer
-Alan Buckely
-Steve Thompson
-Brian Talbot
-Chris Casper
-Kevin Phillips
-Jamie Houghton

Some of these maybe generated ones and may not be found on other games if you were going to check them.

btw, right now Tranmere are 23rd so it might make some sense
Tranmere > History > Landmarks > F9+Alt > Upload
It will say ... Sacked or ... Hired.