Manager on PC, iPad or psp please help advise me!


Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
After some advice! I've only ever played FM on pc and do love it but my current laptop isn't up to the job! Contemplating a new laptop or getting something to play the handheld version! I have no experience of the handheld on either iPad or psp.... Has anyone played them or have any recommendations?
The handheld versions go far faster but you have very little control over what happens. I'd advise a new laptop as the handheld versions are nothing in comparison to pc version. There great for starting of but once you got the basics it's better to go for PC.
I'd recommend sticking to a pc or laptop.. I have fm handheld on my galaxy s3 and it's a decent game and quick but just isn't the same. lacks all the best features of full version but is good for feeding your fm addiction on the go until you get home and play it on pc.
As has been said, Handheld is not very good, and ridiculously easy. You also have no control at all over tactics (Other than formation). I know this, because I didn't think any of my tactics seemed any different. So I changed the set piece insturctions, telling everyone to get back at defensive set pieces, and everyone exept the GK forward at attacking set pieces, and it made no difference what so ever :L
Don't get FM Handheld, I reckon its just too easy and lacking in just about pretty much everything.

I use FM 2013 on PC, and on tablet as well when I play in bed.
Don't get FM Handheld, I reckon its just too easy and lacking in just about pretty much everything.

I use FM 2013 on PC, and on tablet as well when I play in bed.

How do you play it on a tablet? I'm trying to figure that out now...
How do you play it on a tablet? I'm trying to figure that out now...

What kind of tablet is it? I would presume it'd be the same as when you play it on ipod or android (In which case you get it from the respective store)
What kind of tablet is it? I would presume it'd be the same as when you play it on ipod or android (In which case you get it from the respective store)

Its a samsung galaxy tab 2. But I don't mean the handheld version, I mean it seems there is a way to play the full game on yiur tablet, as long as it is running on your pc too, but I can't find how to sync them up
Its a samsung galaxy tab 2. But I don't mean the handheld version, I mean it seems there is a way to play the full game on yiur tablet, as long as it is running on your pc too, but I can't find how to sync them up

Oh, I don't have a clue then haha. I had a look around on google, and you are definitely right, but I can't find out how :L I don't have tablet anyway so I wouldn't know :S