Managing Chelsea??

Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Would anyone reccommend managing Chelsea,and try do a 'Di Matteo',winning the Champions Lge and perhaps the Premier Lge in the first season,only difference is that i would be starting from the beggining of the season...Good Challange????...Let me know ur thoughts please....:D
1) this is the FM12 section
2) Chelsea this year would be expected to win at least the League and probably the ECL as well
3) Chelsea is not a challenge at all! the only thing Chelsea is is a team you manage if you support them :)
I would reccomend that if you do, you should have a look at the release the kraken tactic by raikaan and play Mata as the AP and Torres the striker with Hazard and Oscar as the AM's either side of Mata as they will drift out wide and bring the ball infield like real life :)
ya that would be great??

do you want this to be a proper save, do you want to use a tactic that is awesome but uses the corner cheat? you can always remove it anyway :)

I dont advise using the possession tactic away from home... it works for me, sometimes, but may not work all the time for you.. especially right at the beginning..

try and team the DM's to play short simple passes and dictate tempo...

I advise trying the Release the Kracken tactic as well for the third tactic :



3) Raikan007's new possession tacitc beta - Downloads - Football Manager 2013 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats
Raikan - have you got the link to the "Release the Kracken" tactic please? I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance.
1) this is the FM12 section
2) Chelsea this year would be expected to win at least the League and probably the ECL as well
3) Chelsea is not a challenge at all! the only thing Chelsea is is a team you manage if you support them :)

I'd like to disagree with your third statement. Try the Chelsea 7up challenge. It's not as easy as it sounds.
i am playing my game with Chelsea, & I've won 2 league titles, 1 FA Cup, 1 Carling Cup, & 1 Champions league & now in Club world cup & super cup.
All of my player's trophies section is updated with all these trophies but cesar azplicueta's section is still empty. He started all the finals & was not substituted but still FM shows that he has not won any tiles with chelsea. Please Help !!
I managed Chelsea on FM12 and it was very sucesfull and good fun. You can build a good squad of players with Roman bankrolling it for you. Its not difficult but it is good fun.