
Nov 15, 2009
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A very, very long time ago when God was a lad and the small folk still thought the world was flat, there was born a football management game, Championship Manager. It was an enigma a glitch in the matrix and probably aimed at an older consumer than myself at the time (being only 11). While all the other children (with Amiga's or similar systems) were playing Cool Spot, James Pond, Dizzy and various other games at the time me and a friend were sucked into the abyss.

The 1st Champ Man did'nt really grab me, with made up player names, I just could'nt get into it. But then bang.... 93 was out and I was all over it, at age 11 staying up until 12, 1 o-clock playing until my eyes were heavy and I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard. Those were the days not a care...... anyway I'm rambling a bit I'll get to the point. I managed to create an exceptionally direct attacking tactic that took Wimbledon to the heights of European football I've tried to recreate this tactic and have not been successful so far.

So I'm throwing down the gauntlet master tacticians! Can you recreate the famous Wimbledon 3-2-5 that dominated Europe from '93 onward?


No fullbacks or wingbacks allowed.

The 2 mids can be cm,dm or am only.

The five attackers must be on the highlest line.

Good luck and please post results and screenshots.
No wonder you've not been successful. The match engine has progressed to the point where you can't just play five attackers and three CBs and get away with it.
3-4-1-2 or 3-4-2-1 is the best you can hope for although I havnt tested this out yet this year my progression to a three man line only happens after I make a 4-1-2-1-2 (Narrow 442 Diamond) which may be immanent if I succeed in getting Gino Peruzzi as Iv sold all my Wingers bar 1...

Id suggest you try that yourself anyway with the right players and instructions it can be pretty dominating at least last year... It was pretty diverse for me you can use it in a Napoli style extremely solid and then break quickly on the counter or as I used it with a fast and powerful MF4 (i.e. Alaba/M.Vila) and 3 highly technical Attackers (Muniain/Isco)
No wonder you've not been successful. The match engine has progressed to the point where you can't just play five attackers and three CBs and get away with it.

I think you have misinterpreted what I've said, I have been successful with various tactics. I have just never been able to recreate this specific tactic and to be honest I was interested to see if those on here who were tactically astute would be able to do it.

But obviously with you and your modern day legend status and me with my peasant amateur status there would only ever be a look down on you , I'm better than you response. But thanks for your reply I guess its better than a slap in the face........
I think you have misinterpreted what I've said, I have been successful with various tactics. I have just never been able to recreate this specific tactic and to be honest I was interested to see if those on here who were tactically astute would be able to do it.

But obviously with you and your modern day legend status and me with my peasant amateur status there would only ever be a look down on you , I'm better than you response. But thanks for your reply I guess its better than a slap in the face........

I believe you've misinterpreted what GC said, you seem to have taken it as some form of personal attack on you.
The ME wont allow you to do it, it's not possible to simply throw half your team upfront and expect to do anything other than get destroyed by any half decent team.
3-4-1-2 or 3-4-2-1 is the best you can hope for although I havnt tested this out yet this year my progression to a three man line only happens after I make a 4-1-2-1-2 (Narrow 442 Diamond) which may be immanent if I succeed in getting Gino Peruzzi as Iv sold all my Wingers bar 1...

Id suggest you try that yourself anyway with the right players and instructions it can be pretty dominating at least last year... It was pretty diverse for me you can use it in a Napoli style extremely solid and then break quickly on the counter or as I used it with a fast and powerful MF4 (i.e. Alaba/M.Vila) and 3 highly technical Attackers (Muniain/Isco)

Thanks for your input. I have played similar formations as suggested and had success. I've been feeling nostalgic and just really wanted to try and recreate this tactic. Oh well guess sometimes you just can't recreate the past!!