what role do you play rits as. centre mid with attacking role. deep laying play maker support role etc ?? to get the best out of him. i started a game with leeds and i was very lucky to get him dispite liverpool, real madrid after him he signed for me in leauge 1 haha. now 1st in championships and he is now a regular in my first team developing very well indeed creavtivity is up to 18 already and he is only 18 pretty special. i just dont what role and position suits him best thanks for advice8-|
He is at liverpool on mine he joined for £725k
what role do you play rits as. centre mid with attacking role. deep laying play maker support role etc ?? to get the best out of him. i started a game with leeds and i was very lucky to get him dispite liverpool, real madrid after him he signed for me in leauge 1 haha. now 1st in championships and he is now a regular in my first team developing very well indeed creavtivity is up to 18 already and he is only 18 pretty special. i just dont what role and position suits him best thanks for advice8-|
He has good finishing so train him as a AM if your formation uses one,otherwise a normal CM.
ok woody thanks. although like you said i dont play a AM i normally play a 4-5-1 with 3 center mids and 2 attacking wingers with obviously a lone stricker. i may play him as a natural centre mid with asttacking duty of maybe put him as advanced playmaker. will it help if i did train him as an attacking mid if i do end up playing him as an advanced playmaker. thanks for your advice ????8-|
ok woody thanks. although like you said i dont play a AM i normally play a 4-5-1 with 3 center mids and 2 attacking wingers with obviously a lone stricker. i may play him as a natural centre mid with asttacking duty of maybe put him as advanced playmaker. will it help if i did train him as an attacking mid if i do end up playing him as an advanced playmaker. thanks for your advice ????8-|
If your not going to play him as a AM then dont train him as one.
I think he isn't on my game, but saw him playing with gba in real life twice , pretty good talent
i always sign him and verratti to play centre mid in my 4 5 1 with someone like veloso playing def mid behind them after a few years. usually get him tutored by montolivio in my fiorentina games
if i play rits in the middle of the park as a supporting role mid or possibly attacking role mid. im stuck for the who to play beside him ie what role and position ball winning mid etc etc .. advice would be very helpfull thanks. I'm leeds and im in first season of prem. I'm doing badly in the closing stages of the season and really need to turn it around im stuck for the position of rits though. like i said advice would be brilliant!!
I just signed him for £700k from Liverpool. Hadn't heard of him till i played him in the Europa League. He came on in the second half and tore my guys apart. Couldn't believe i got him so cheap. I thought they'd negotiate at like £6m so i wouldn't be able to afford him. Only played him for a few games but he looks pretty good and i have verratti too so im hoping they'll play well together (bit worried i could have a Lampard & Gerrard situation on my hands). I'm chuffed ive came on here and now everyone is raving about him :)
do you play him in midfield and if so what duty and role ?? im tuck for this. i did have him on my barca save and well thats barca so he will shine with the amount of world class players they have. i just dont know where to player him
do you play him in midfield and if so what duty and role ?? im tuck for this. i did have him on my barca save and well thats barca so he will shine with the amount of world class players they have. i just dont know where to player him

Yeah i'v only used him to replace Verratti when hes been injured. I normally play him in the same place - Central midfield in an attacking role along with a supporting midfielder. That has seemed to work for my formation with two wingers. Whats your formation and set up? Who else do you have who can play next to him? He would play well next to someone like Essien IMO.
well i play a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3 but with LAM and RAM instead of 3 strickers. do desperatly need a good holding player but i have witsel player next to him in midfeild i thought this would help rits being they are both belguim teammates etc i have tryed him in the 4-5-1 formation as a advanced playermaker with support/attack role. So would it be best to play him as an centre mid with attack duty? also what i have had trouble with is the stamina if i have a holding mid and 2 center mids what would the closing down be for the holding mid and then for the 2 centre mids noting that rits has really poor stamina. advice would be amazing thanks
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rits best position next to witsel? deep-laying playmaker? .. center mid/ attack? support?.
Just made him my first signing for Barcelona and gonna train him to take over from Iniesta as my Advanced Playmaker.

Do you think that this will work?