Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
“Give up, Hawkins!” I heard “yer *****!”

As I watched yet another goal slam into the back of the net I was resigned to defeat. I had lost my fight against the doctors. My career was over.

As my mind went back to that awful day in the mud almost 10 years ago I tried to think about what I did wrong. What did I do to deserve my current life? I remembered my friends from school. All 10 of them all of them doing better than me. Of course they’d offered help but I told them I’d be fine. I lied I’m not doing fine. I’d had numerous crappy jobs -they didn’t last. I’d had about errrr…… 6 in the past 10 years. Three at Tesco and three at other supermarkets I was now at Tesco a cashier working under my mother, she made it so we had the same hours how sweet. I hated my job, I was young, 25 and I was sat down all ****** day! I wanted to be out there playing football, watching football, managing football! I was football crazy the prospect of watching Cardiff City on Saturday is the only thing that kept me going. My job wasn’t exactly stable I was only 3 months in and had received some complaints, but I’d worked on the complaints desk and used my contacts to sweep them under the carpet. The message is, my life’s down the ******* I need a bit of luck, God, you know I’ve never been overly-religious but if you’re ever going to help me, help me now.


Today BBC Sport heard from insiders a Fleetwood Town that manager Micky Mellon has left Highbury Stadium. This is thought to have come around after Mellon had a argument with the new money-bags owners. The Blue Square Bet Premier club are one of the favourites for promotion and the new boss will have a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

This news didn’t bother me. I followed the BSP, yes but I support fellow Welshmen Wrexham. I was not bothered. I gathered my things and made my way to my car to go to work. I sat at my checkout as usual and scanned and said thank you until my lunch hour where my phone rang.

*****UNKNOWN NUMBER*******

“Hello?” I asked impatiently it was a wonder I had a job serving people, oh yeah Mum
“Is this Mr. Matthew Hawkins?” a voice asked
“Yes, it is” I replied
“My name is Andrew Pilley and I would like to offer you the job of manager at Fleetwood Town Football Club” he said
“You serious?” I asked
“Yes I am. Could you please come up to Lancashire immediately I would like to speak to you face to face” he told me
“OK” I said stunned
“Goodbye Mr.Hawkins” he said

I ran out of the shop and to my car looking back at my workplace
“F*** you *******!” I shouted before jumping into my car. And beginning the long drive to Lancashire.

I arrived at Highbury Stadium 15 minutes ago and was now sitting in Mr.Pilley’s office listening to him droning on and on-
“Sign here please” he said and I put pen to paper on a £575 per week contract lasting two years.
“Matthew Hawkins you are the new manager of Fleetwood Town Football Club”

Today Fleetwood Town officials announced unknown Welshman Matthew Hawkins as their new manager. This revelation comes so soon after Mellon leaving it looks as though it has been in place for a period of time.

Ahahahaha, their manager is called Micky Mellon? HAHAHA. Sorry, continue your story, my friend.
nice wee pic of ibrox in OP. i'll follow mate, good luck


Today BBC Sport can tell you that Fleetwood Town are corrupt.

The Blue Square Bet Premier club recently appointed a new manager (Matthew Hawkins) after Micky Mellon left the club. The side are known as the new Crawley and these allegations have met deaf ears among fans.

Steven Jones, 17, “All the teams in this division are s***, well apart from Luton and Wrexham”

Andrew Green, 58, “We’ll still get promoted, you’ll see.”

It is thought that the deal between Fleetwood and Hawkins has been cancelled due to these allegations.

I refreshed the tab unable to believe what I was reading. Looked like I was jobless –or so I thought-.


Recently made redundant manager Matthew Hawkins has been head-hunted by Championship side Portsmouth

The young manager is causing a stir in the footballing world and is wanted by numerous clubs.

Michael Appelton left the club a few days ago after a boardroom bust-up putting Hawkins centre stage.

Could Hawkins become the youngest ever Football League manager? Watch this space.

Wow. Just wow. Portsmouth! Portsmouth are a huge club having won the First Division and FA Cup twice. But could this rumour be true? I have to find out.

****ring ring****
“Hello?” I asked
“Is this Matthew Hawkins?” a man asked
“Yes, it is” I said nervously
“My name is Trevor Birch and I have a question for you Mr.Hawkins. How would you like to become manager of Portsmouth Football Club?” he asked
“Of course!” I replied excitedly
“Could you come to Fratton Park please, Mr.Hawkins?” he asked
“Yes! When?” I asked
“ASAP” he said

And I was off to Portsmouth.
“Right then, Mr.Hawkins” said Mr.Birch “I on behalf of Portsmouth FC would like to offer you the vacant manager’s position here at the club. So will you?” he said pushing a piece of paper across the table. It was long but here’s the basics.
Wage:£90 p/w

Not exactly a Premier League wage, not even a League 1 wage but it’ll do.
“Of course I’ll sign” I said and put my signature at the bottom.

“Right then, here’s your assistant, Stuart Gray he’ll show you around.” He said pointing at a man. I then left the room.

Stuart showed me around the stadium and then took me to the training pitch where the lads were training (obviously).

“Right then!” I shouted and they ran to me the keepers at the back. I noticed some famous faces Liam Lawrence and Benjani. “First of all I want to introduce myself. I’m Matthew Hawkins, you’re new manager and I want everything Mr.Aplleton told you out of your head this is a new start for you lot. Now then, separate into four groups (lots of running to be with others) of the same position. The two keepers in one group, the defenders in another, midfield in one, wingers with the strikers let’s go! Oh and one more thing I’ve arranged a friendly for tonight.” I said walking to the sideline to watch them.

When the session ended I told the lads to go home and get some rest and be at Fratton Park by 7:45 that evening. As I retired to my office and decided on my next move.

The first friendly of our pre-season rolled around and I picked the side that would hopefully beat Scottish side Hearts of Midlothian. A healthy crowd of 4,908 showed up quite good. More money in the coffers!

We started well and took the lead on 30 minutes Greg Halford firing in from close range. We pressed and pressed and doubled our lead on 37 minutes nice play between Liam Lawrence and Benjani setting up Kanu who got our second. We took this momentum into the second half and then a late header from Luke Varney sealed the win.

PORTSMOUTH 3-Halford, Kanu, Varney
18th​ June 2012

Okay. My life has been the same ever since I started this story/diary thingy. I still work at TESCO my life still held no significance, what I’ve been writing have been my dreams. The coaching badges etc were all true but I didn’t have a job at Fleetwood or Portsmouth I had one at TESCO Extra. Yes my life is down the *******, I mean, who writes dreams down? I opened my front door to find the South Wales Echo staring at me.



Today recently-relegated Swansea City’s manager Brendan Rodgers left the Swans to join Blackburn Rovers. The Northern Irish manager who took the South Wales club to the Premier League –and also got them relegated from it- is now hated in Swansea many fans picking up on embarrassing defeats like the 9-2 defeat away to Tottenham and their 3-0 loss at home to West Brom not to mention their 14 game run without a win.

Rodgers though has –unlike his team- gone on to bigger and better things moving to “Fried Chicken Rovers”. Not many people want the job.

This is my chance! I thought. This could be it! Swansea City although I hate them are a team I could connect with tiki-taka and all the rest of it, yes I could do it! Just have to send my cv and I’ll be laughing. I decided to type up an e-mail too.

Dear Mr.Huw Jenkins

My name is Matthew Hawkins I am 26-years-old and I live in Cardiff, Wales. I have noticed your vacancy as in the position of manager and I feel I could take your club to better things. Please consider this application.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Hawkins.

That was nice, I thought, now then let’s get cracking on a suit well actually that can wait I thought as I loaded FM.