Men allowed to beat their wives and children, UAE court rules

Apr 10, 2010
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Husbands are allowed to beat their wives and children - as long as they don’t leave any physical marks, an Islamic court in the United Arab Emirates has ruled.

The astonishing legal ruling gives all husbands and fathers in the ultra-rich Gulf state the 'right to discipline' female family members if they have first attempted reconciliation.

The judgment was made by one of the UAE’s most senior judges, Chief Justic Falah al Hajeri, who made the ruling in the case of a man

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what do you thinkoO)
Show a bit of authority, at least when you come home to find no dinner on the table you can put them back in their place legally now.
This makes me laugh as how can you not leave any physical marks if you beat someone. Thats the clause in it.
No offence to anyone but these type of practices are considered normal in places which are predominantly Muslim but dont get me wrong most Muslims are caring people, its just a few who make them look bad
No offence to anyone but these type of practices are considered normal in places which are predominantly Muslim but dont get me wrong most Muslims are caring people, its just a few who make them look bad

Just because it's considered normal doesn't make it right. That's like saying it's fine to stone someone to death for being homosexual, just because it's normal to do so in whatever place.
Scum of the world, all i have to say.

Why? Nothing wrong with a bit of discipline, wasn't so long ago we got rid of caning and what not. So what there culture is a little bit behind who are you to call them scum and mock there practices because they have different views to you. Pathetic.
As has been said, it wasnt that long ago caning and smacking children was the done thing and i tell you what it got the job done, children were so much better behaved. I pretty sure if caning and smacking was allowed today that there wouldnt be such a problem with all these "asbo" teens. Obviously its not right to hit a women or a child but in their culture it is common place just because there culture dosnt fit in with our culture dosnt make them scum. Its like saying to the chinese they have to stop eating dogs because we dont do it here.
Well, in the Arabic world Men are superior of the woman, which is quite a sad thing. The woman have to wear what we call here in Holland a burka- a clothing for woman that you only see the eyes. The men may cheat on there wife's, but if the wife cheats on the husband it's a whole other deal for them. It's quite a stupid law.
Well, in the Arabic world Men are superior of the woman, which is quite a sad thing. The woman have to wear what we call here in Holland a burka- a clothing for woman that you only see the eyes. The men may cheat on there wife's, but if the wife cheats on the husband it's a whole other deal for them. It's quite a stupid law.

Also if a man rapes a woman, he can choose: go to jail or marry her.... How stupid can that be?
As a Muslim I think this is terrible...and they wonder why people hate us
As a Muslim I think this is terrible...and they wonder why people hate us

because idiotic people think every Muslim is a Terrorist :O
But yeah this is stupid but who are we to question their culture? They can do what they want.
i love this country.

I might have to move there.

Truly one of the lads.
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because idiotic people think every Muslim is a Terrorist :O
But yeah this is stupid but who are we to question their culture? They can do what they want.
I thought it was Jewish...

PS- Sorry for the Jewish who felt offended.