Men allowed to beat their wives and children, UAE court rules

Just because it's considered normal doesn't make it right. That's like saying it's fine to stone someone to death for being homosexual, just because it's normal to do so in whatever place.

I never said it was correct, I just said it was normal for this to happen in Muslim Countires^^)
i love this country.

I might have to move there.

Truly one of the lads.

Is that what you genuinely think, or is it a joke trying to provoke a reaction?
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Would love to see them beat this one.


PS: ALL jokes should get punished, as sexism is a kind of racism, and racist jokes get infractions.
Just one problem with people 'doing what they want', Terrorists using the burkha to hide their identity and bombs before blowing themselves and UN peace keepers up. The burkha is a cultural invention, not a religious one.