
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have notice this season messi playing more Centrally then normal and I read this on zonal marking descirble his role
Messi false nine

Of course, there were some set patterns, and Barcelona’s general shape was to play Pedro Rodriguez on the right, David Villa on the left and Lionel Messi in the centre of the pitch, as they have done for much of the season. Messi can play two separate roles in this position – either as a goalpoacher (not merely a goalpoacher, it should be said) who stays high up the pitch and looks to dart into space when the ball is played wide, or as a false nine, dropping into deeper positions and dragging the centre-backs with him.

Now is this describing a Complete foward
deep lying forward - support: with altered settings...
that would get the best out of Lionel Messi on FM2011
i play him as a Complete foward goals every game plus a lot more
None of what you guys said are the correct answer. I will be posting my Barcelona tactic later this week, stay tuned.
Do you think guardiola decides what role to put messi in depending on like a weak team poacher strong team false nine or lets messi decide
None of what you guys said are the correct answer. I will be posting my Barcelona tactic later this week, stay tuned.

There's no right or wrong answer to this, just opinion.

I'd have him as a Treq., personally.
He works wonders as an inside forward coming in from the right. more goals that games, and attracts penalties like nobodies business!
He works wonders as an inside forward coming in from the right. more goals that games, and attracts penalties like nobodies business!

But the point is how to play him in a more central position, not on the right, did you even read the title?
I'd play him as a complete forward - attack, with altered settings, I think that's the best way for FM. In real life, I think he's more of a trequartista, but you simply cant replicate his actions properly in the ME.
I think he plays best as either complete forward or trequartista
There is no way in Football Manager to accurately portray how Messi plays for Barca. The closest probably is setting him as a deep lying forward but even that doesn't really equate to what he actually does. In fact its impossible to really play how all 3 Barca forwards play. They all play multiple roles, sometimes coming very deep like midfielders to help keep possession. However when the time comes to attack they play like forwards. Its just not possible to accurately portray in FBM.
The problem with TQ is they dont help out much in defensive and at Barca everyone puts an effect in defensively